Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wishing We Could Piss Away Money Like This ....

Is This Rihanna or Carrot Top?  For $3300 A DAY, We'd Rather Not Know..

    We read an interesting article from MSN this week.  It was a thorough and enlightening article to give you an idea of just how out of reality many stars in Hollywood are with you.  For many of us, a trip to TGI Fridays is a big night out.  MSN had dozens and dozens of examples of the rich and famous spending their cash in ways that would make you puke:  $400,000 Maybachs (their 2nd one), or $8 Million cars for themselves.  2200 square foot nurseries for their newborns.  Literally too many to list, but we'll give you 2 examples....

     First is Rihanna.  Yes, that is her in the picture above, not Side Show Bob from The Simpsons.  You see that absolute train wreck of a hairdo?  Well, she has a 'stylist' on call that she pays - get this - $3300 a DAY.  So, for what you spend on food for yourself for a year, she blows on looking like Carrot Top's twin sister...

     As bad as that was, it wasn't enough to take First Prize.  That went to Petra Eccelstone... Don't know her?  No reason you should.  She hasn't done anything, but he dad is the billionaire founder of Formula One Racing, the biggest and priciest racing circuit in the world.  Well, daddy must have given her a pretty nice chunk o' change to get a head start in adulthood, because the 22 year old purchased Aaron Spelling's $85 million , 123 room mansion. That's her, and that's the house... But we're not done yet.

     We suppose the girl is in some kind of rush to be an adult, because she also got married this Summer.  At least the house makes sense now, because you don't want the kids growing up in an apartment or a shack on the wrong side of the tracks... like in Malibu.  The wedding was in Rome, but the reception was at the house - and it was one for the record books. Costing nearly $5 million, it featured a Vera Wang wedding dress at a cost of $130,000.  And the entertainment?  How about Andrea Bocelli, Eric Clapton, Alicia Keys and the Black Eyed Peas.  They weren't guests..... they f**king PLAYED!  Quite a wedding band, don't you think?  So, for what you consider a lifechanging amount of cash, she spent in one day for a party...

     Yeah, we know - they're creating jobs and stimulating the economy.  Sickening...  Next time one of these asshole tells you who to vote for, keep this post in mind. They don't know you.... They CAN'T relate to you.



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