For Once, 'Number Two' Is a Good Thing.....
We in South Carolina like to complain about things sometimes: how much our roads suck, how bad our schools are, Clemson basketball, etc.... It's not unusual for us to at the top or bottom of a list. Whether we are on the top ot bottom depends on if it's a 'Best' or 'Worst' list. Well now, we have a good ranking that even some still wouldn't agree with....
According to a Kiplinger's ranking, South Carolina is the second best state for taxes. They took a survey of all taxes paid: property, income, sales and inheritance taxes. The good news? The Palmetto State came only behind Mississippi... The bad news for me? New York is the third worst, trailing fellow Northeast tax hellholes New Jersey and Connecticut.
We know there are plenty of people in SC who think they still pay too much in taxes... While we never will see it as an excuse to raise taxes to 'be in line' with everyone else, our advice to those who bitch is it could be worse... MUCH, MUCH worse. An excellent exmple is property taxes. My house in Flotown is about $500 per year. Pretty sweet. For an equivalent house in Long Island it would be $7-10k a year. For that difference in taxes at today's rate, people could buy a house worth $200,000 more. For the extra $6 a pack for cigarettes , smokers could buy a car. Ridiculous...
Thanks to things like taxation, it's no wonder there is correlation between income per state, and quality of life. For taxpayers in SC, the living is pretty good....
Just one more reason to pack the U-haul and get your ass back to SC...teg