Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Virginia GOP Needs to Get It's Sh*t Together

This Isn't a Virginia GOP Meeting, But With It Asking Members to Sign a 'Loyalty Oath', It Might As Well Be....

Up until today, we had a clear choice as far as which state were the biggest bunch of morons in the Republican Primary states: Florida. Not being satified with being fifth in the Primary order AND having the National Convention, AND being a key prize in the General Election, they decided to try and jump everyone.. Of course, it didn't work, and they'll probably end up being more important in the position they're still in.  In essence, we saved Florida from themselves..

However, Virginia appears to be trying to wrestle that award away from the Sunshine State... fast!   Most of us have heard that Virginia requires all candidates to have 10,000 signatures turned in to be on the Primary ballot.  The absentee ballots are already being printed, and there are only 2 names on it - Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.  The AG has stepped in to try and change the rule to allow any candidate that has qualified for matching funds to be on the ballot. Sounds fair to us, but something else is making us more nervous and angry with how Virginia does business...

What is it?  How about a loyalty oath?  You heard right.  This came up with us recently in Florence, when a couple GOP diehards were nearly kicked out by the local party for supporting a Democrat in a DA race last year.  For those of us who hold office in the party, the rule is pretty clear - you cannot openly support a Democrat in a General Election against a Republican, or you can lose your title.  Unfortunately, what Virginia wants to do is worse.  Much, much worse...

They want ALL voters in the GOP Primary in March to sign a loyalty oath, stating that they intend to vote for the Republican candidate - no matter who it is - in the General Election.  To us, it's damn near Facism...  It appears that party members think all voters take their politics as seriously as they do, but they don't... Not even close.  Loyalty oaths from people you don't know doesn't go over well the next time around.  Voting is a fundamental right that too few of us do, and making them sign loyalty oaths make the GOP look like a bunch of Nazis...

What if you don't sign it, or sign it and reneg later?  They say nothing.  OK then, so then WHY HAVE IT ?????  Honestly, we don't believe it.  All the data is on Voter Vault.  If you sign it, and then it shows you going non-partisan, there WILL be retribution.  The info will be used to fuel personal vendettas by weeding out those who they disagree with. Maybe it's all to make sure the party is full of 'Good Republicans'.  You know: Pure. Clean. Sound familiar?  That stuff might work in Eastern Europe in the 1970's, but it's just about the most Un-American thing we can think of doing in a Primary... Perhaps they should consider changing their present flag to a Hammer & Sickle - or a Swastika.

Hopefully, the Virginia GOP will think twice before instituting this ridiculous 'voluntary requirement'.  If not, then our guess is that the Cavalier State will go blue in November out of spite from moderates and independents - the ones who actually determine winners and losers in tight states.  People always pick on the backwardness of South Carolina, but to us, it sure seems like there are a couple states doing their best to 'outdo' us.  We think they've succeeded... You want people to vote Republican? Verify they can vote, and LET THEM VOTE. Period...  It'll make the General Election a lot easier. Trust us.


SC6's 2011 Year In Review

      Well, another year has come and gone... 2011 was another wild one, both for us and the country..  For us, we came into it in a steady a position as we had in years. We had our bills under control, were making decent money, and moved into a new apartment.  We were in much better shape than our country, but it appears that instead of the country catching up, we've been dragged down to it's level.  Let's review the big stories, and see how we got there...

     Two of the bigger stories were at the start of the year: The start of the Arab Spring in Egypt, and Gabrielle Giffords shooting in Arizona.  Egypt was the bigger story, becuase it's affected millions of lives.. We said goodbye to the DHS color coding risk system.. In the GOP, we got a new leader in Reince Preibus - so long Michael Steele!  Locally, Flotown got a new Chair with Bill Pickle.  For us, it snowed, snowed.... and then snowed some more. The apartment had a bad time too, when a water pipe froze, and flooded me out for a few days.  Blogwise, SC6 gave it's readers a couple treats, by introducing it's Civil War Rewind series, and letting you see Adele before everyone else...

    Kind of a slow month all around, mainly because Congress went on vacation without passing a budget - again!  Your tax return took a break as well, when the IRS announced they would hold returns for an additional 2 weeks.... The War on Unions took center stage in February in Ohio and Wisconsin.  As usual, both sides went too far, and we had to everyone out.  In football, the Packers returned to glory by beating the Steelers. Bobby still hasn't recovered... It also stopped snowing - finally!

      The Arab Spring marched west into Libya, where Moammar Qaddafi took on US-backed rebels.  The big story was the Japan Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear near meltdown at the Fukashima plant.  Luckily, it was less than it could have been.  It was slightly less than Charlie Sheen's meltdown.  Wonder if he's missing that $1.8 million per episode now.  Porn Star money runs out quick. Speaking of money, our friend Ken Ard came under ethics scrutiny for using campaign funds to reimburse various expenses.   We had our won problems, when we found out that Sam Adams seasonal White Ale was rationed - and it didn't taste quite as good as we remembered..

    The big story was our return to SC.  Too bad we spent the whole time cutting grass and moving my Dad.... The 2012 presidential race was still ice cold, but Donald Trump made it a bit interesting by flirting with running.  Bill Connor did decide to run, but it was so late, many questioned if he gave it much thought...Up here, a missing prostitute at a beach community started a massive police search - and they found 10 people! She wasn't one of them, but they eventually found her a quarter mile away... Haven't found the killer yet either. Those $100k cops are worth every penny!

    Like a shot out of nowhere, Osama bin Laden was killed - in Pakistan.  Lots of SC news, as the NLRB tries to block Boeing's 787 Dreamliner plant in Chucktown.. SCGOP elects Chad Connelly as it's new Chairman, but locally, city councilmen Buddy Brand and Glynn Willis get threatened by their own over a smoking ban vote.. We were still rolling along, as we were kinda dating 2 people at the same time. What could be better?  The Oprah Winfrey Show ended.  Life was good..

    Top story? One word: Weinergate.....  The presidential race sped up a lot... Sarah Palin did a nice job of teasing the GOP, but in the end, Caribou Barbie passed.  Newt Gingrich lost his entire staff, and was declared dead - or so we thought.  Joe Wilson flexed his GOP muscle - or tried - and endorsed Tim Pawlenty for 2012... More powerful were Carolina's arms and bats, as they won their second straight NCAA Baseball title.  The Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup... and we have no idea who won in the NBA.  OK, it was Dallas, but who cares?

      It was a month of highs and lows... We were peaking as we celebrated our birthday by watching Derek Jeter get hit Number 3000 - our first Yankee game in 31 years!  Michele Bachmann topped out as well, winning the Ames Straw Poll - and she hasn't done much since.  But the big winner was the Pee Dee, as it won the 7th Congressional District, finally getting out from under Jim Clyburn's grasp.  Plenty of losers though.. NASA ran it's last Space Shuttle mission, Amy Winehouse died, and the prosecution blew Casey Anthony's case so bad, she got off..

     Disasters abound... DC has a major earthquake, followed by Hurricane Irene.  Neither was too huge, but we did lose power for 3 days..   More lasting was the early implosion of Tim Pawlenty. In hindsight, maybe he should have hung around for his shot at Flavor of the Month... Meanwhile, I lose two teeth, buy a Harley, and start spending money like it's water.. Too bad there is no time or space to learn to drive the bike!  Almost as sad is our ability to forecast the Primaries then:  Iowa- Bachmann, Perry, Paul, Romney.  NH- Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Paul.  SC- Perry, Bachmann, Paul, Romney.  Nice call...

     Summer's over, and I am working my ass off: 12 hrs a day, 5-6 days a week... The campaigns go back to work too.  Rick Perry gets in, then suddenly forgets how to speak.  Perry falls, and Herman Cain 999's his way into the top tier.  Washington starts off the Fall Session by pushing budget cuts to a 12 person Hall of Shame - The 'Supercommittee'... Bill Clinton goes Vegan.

     Busy, busy, busy.. I finally come to SC, and this time, I see everyone I wanted to!  Nice trip.. Chris Christie flirts with running for President, but passes, and endorses Mitt Romney.  Florida suddenly tries to jump spots in line, and fucks up the entire Caucus/Primary schedule, moving everything up an entire month... The Occupy Wall Street/Michael Moore Fan Club movement starts..  Everything dies in October: Moammar Qaddafi, Steve Jobs, the NBA, and Obama's American Jobs Act. Three outta four ain't bad... But, we have a Cardinals' World Series win to celebrate, and Lindsay Lohan gets nude for Playboy - three years too late!  

     Two months before Iowa, and Herman Cain falls under the weight of a billion sexual harrassment charges. In his place, Newt Gingrich rises from the dead... Faced with an important job, the StuporCommittee dies without any budget cuts..  The only good news from DC is the Supreme Court accepting to rule on the validity of Obamacare. To us, sports dominated the news in November, as Tony Stewart breaks Jimmie Johnson's stranglehold of the NASCAR Nextel Cup, Penn State crumbles, Tebowing becomes all the rage.... and Carolina thumps Clemson in football.  Moye is still wearing black...

    The month starts off badly, as I get the pink slip from my job of the past 2 years from my new manager.  We decide South Carolina will be the best place for operations for 2012....  A more fortunate ending was the US troop presence in Iraq.  Kim Jong Il dies, and bipartisanism and common sense die in Congress, as they almost blow the Payroll Tax extension.  With Iowa weeks away, all torpedoes are aimed squarely on Newt Gingrich's side, and he drops, while Ron Paul and Rick Santorum move up. Thankfully, the year ends...

We have no idea where we will be , or what we will be doing by the end of 2012.  We thought the game plan was there, and we achieved what we set out to do... but others had different plans. At 43, it's a bad place to be, but we would like to be done with the car biz... It'll be interesting to see what happens. Whatever it is, you'll see it here....


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Has Nancy Pelosi Had It With DC ?

Say WHAT, Woman??  If Pelosi Retires,  The Ex-Whipper Can Kiss His Special Title Goodbye...

      The big news out of nowhere today was's claim from Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's daughter that she has pretty much had enough of DC politics.  We could only be so lucky, but you never know...

      Alexandra Pelosi, an Emmy Award-winning short filmmaker, told them via phone that San Fran Nan, who is getting up there in years at 71, is tired, wants to quit, but only hangs on for the sake of her campaign's financial supporters.  Maybe it's all true. All we'll say to Alexandra is 'from your mouth to God's ear' honey!

    Who knows.  A lot of the old dead wood that blames the newer members for today's gridlocked Congress - but caused all the problems that got us here - are retiring.  It's not easy going from Majority Leader back to Minority Leader, and Pelosi's finding that out quick.  Maybe if there were a chance for the Democrats of retaking the House, she'd stay.  It ain't looking good, so she may done.  If so, someone in South Carolina may be out of a gig....

    Remember our Congressman soon Not-To-Be, Jim Clyburn?  Well, his Special Advisor to the Leader was a made up job especially for Clyburn by Pelosi herself.  Pelosi and Steny Hoyer are not good friends, and our guess is since Clyburn sided with Pelosi, Hoyer will find another Democrat to be his Minority Whip in 2013... In short, Clyburn will soon be another Congressman, with no power whatsoever.  He doesn't Chair a committee, so our guess is if Pelosi goes, there is a slight possibility that Clyburn may retire earlier than he planned.  We doubt it, but if Pelosi is not Leader in 2013, we fully expect a 2014 Clyburn retirement to the Golf Course.....

     For now, the only one who really knows is Pelosi, who is still on Christmas vacation in her $10,000 a night suite in Hawaii.  She can't wait long to make up her mind.   We'll see.. But it does give us some hope.


Chavez: US Is Giving South America Leaders Cancer?

SQUAWK !!!! This Guy I'm Sitting On Is Crazy !!!!

     Remember last week, when we lamented Kim Jong Il's passing, because we had no idea what crazy leaders would take his place?  One of the guys we mentioned to take his place was Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.  Well, it looks like he must read our blog, because he's making an all-out effort to slip into the open space...

     Yep, Chavez put out some funny stuff this week, when he suggested that the US might be poisoning South American leaders with cancer.... Yes, we are so afraid of Banana Republics apparently, that we're slipping them all a toxic mickey.  What makes Chavez so convinced of this?  Well, of all the South American nations, three leaders have cancer.  You and I call it a coincidence - he calls it a conspiracy....

     Is he right? Maybe.... However, I don't think there is a general hatred of Venezuela, Argentina and Peru (the 3 cancer-stricken leaders countries), so I realy doubt it.  But, it sure does spur Chavez in Top Shelf territory for Kook Dictator.  Funny, we thought he at least wait for the body to get cold, but he just couldn't wait!


Why Congress Can't Relate to You.... Especially in These Tougher Times

Word Is, This T-Shirt Is Issued to Every New Congressman... But It Could Be a Rumor.

     For those of you who sometimes feel like Washington doesn't have any idea what it's like for the rest of us in the real world, you're not alone... It's not in your head.  We have numbers to back up what you're always wondered - is my Congressman so used to the High Life (not Miller High Life) that they have lost all track of what it's like for real people?  The answer appears to be yes....

     There are two stats that give you an idea of the discrepancy. First there is the overall net worth.  The net worth of the average Congressman is $725,000 - not including real estate worth.  The average American's is $20,500, so for starters, you Congressman has 35 TIMES as much in the bank.  Perhaps that's why living paycheck to paycheck is a lost concept....

     The bad (or worse) news is that the gap is getting worse.  You see, the fastest rising group in Net Worth is..... Congress! We shit you not... The average American's Net Worth has flatlined since the 2008 recession began.  Congress' net worth, on the other hand, has risen by 15%, even outpacing the top tier of the wealthy (8%).  In short, it appears that even Congress is envious of the rich - and their doing their best to at least get themselves closer to the Upper Crust.

    No surprise to us... Think about it.  Where is the point that all tax hikes seem to start at?  $250,000... What does a Congressman make? About $170,000...  Who needs lobbyists?  Congress is already their own best advocates.  This is likely a rare case where we don't have many solutions... They set the laws, so short of a Congressional toilet flush, we're not sure how to fix it.  Maybe also not making it impossible for an average Joe  to run would give them some perspective as well..  Good Luck!


We Lose Another Media Buddy....

Jackie Torok of the Morning News Leaves For Greener Pastures

    The good part about being in Florence is the ability to reach the local media.  When I came to New York, my friends were kind of stunned that I knew almost every TV and Newspaper manager, editor and anchor on a semi-personal basis. It's pretty unbelievable in Yankeeville, but in Flotown, it's no big deal.  It's helped me a lot in politics, but times change.... and sometimes, the faces do too.

    No, rarely is the Pee Dee the goal for a reporter or editor. So, it's common for a lot of turnover.  So, when you have someone who is willing to stick around for a long time, you appreciate them. 

    Though we can never say that the Florence Morning News agreed with everything we thought, they very often printed whatever I had to say.  Why? Because I was usually right but also because I knew how to write a letter to the editor.  It's pretty easy... 180 words or less means 180 words or less, and I usually had some type of solution. Blogging is the same way...

    Jackie Torok has been the City Editor for FMN for as long as I can remember.  Though I didn't work too much with her at the paper, I came to appreciate her more through Facebook.  She was not afraid to express her frustrations with the job, and the idiots that come across an editors way.  We like people who don't hide their feelings. Of course, a lifetime Cleveland Browns fan should be used to frustration!

    Unfortunately, Jackie will be taking her talents, along with her Browns, Tar Heels swag, and her cats up the road to Fayettenam... She will be missed, but I'm sure we'll still be seeing her on Facebook.  Since we're coming back to Florence, we'll have to make friends with all sorts of new people at FMN, but maybe she could put in a word for us.  Godspeed, Jackie!


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today's Founders Quote: Your Pecuniary Consideration

"No pecuniary consideration is more urgent, than the regular redemption and discharge of the public debt: on none can delay be more injurious, or an economy of time more valuable."

- George Washington, 1793.

      GW is right.  When you snooze, you lose..... Public debt over time can take any country down - even the United States - if not held in check.  $200 billion annually per year just to pay the INTEREST should give you an idea of it.  Another thing that we wouldn't delay on either would be Amber Evans... We need her plastic surgeon's number...


Cartoon of the Week....

      Lots of Christmas-related cartoons out there this week.  Some worse than others, so we're picking this Christmas Story inspired pole licker 'toon... Anyone have some hot water ????


Your Taxes Could Be a Lot Worse, South Carolina !

For Once, 'Number Two' Is a Good Thing.....

    We in South Carolina like to complain about things sometimes: how much our roads suck, how bad our schools are, Clemson basketball, etc.... It's not unusual for us to at the top or bottom of a list.  Whether we are on the top ot bottom depends on if it's a 'Best' or 'Worst' list.  Well now, we have a good ranking that even some still wouldn't agree with....

     According to a Kiplinger's ranking, South Carolina is the second best state for taxes.  They took a survey of all taxes paid: property, income, sales and inheritance taxes.  The good news? The Palmetto State came only behind Mississippi... The bad news for me?  New York is the third worst, trailing fellow Northeast tax hellholes New Jersey and Connecticut. 

    We know there are plenty of people in SC who think they still pay too much in taxes... While we never will see it as an excuse to raise taxes to 'be in line' with everyone else, our advice to those who bitch is it could be worse... MUCH, MUCH worse.  An excellent exmple is property taxes.  My house in Flotown is about $500 per year. Pretty sweet.  For an equivalent house in Long Island it would be $7-10k a year. For that difference in taxes at today's rate, people could buy a house worth $200,000 more.  For the extra $6 a pack for cigarettes , smokers could buy a car.  Ridiculous...

    Thanks to things like taxation, it's no wonder there is correlation between income per state, and quality of life.  For taxpayers in SC, the living is pretty good....


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

     We were all set to post about how Christmas is a bit of a drag on us mentally... It's not easy spending the holidays with friends and their relatives, wives and kids.  Christmas is not a single adult's holiday.  Honestly, we do better during the rest of the year, when there are no special occasions....

   Then we got a text from a friend of ours up here.  We saw a Facebook post that made us think maybe her Dad was sick, but unfortunately, her Dad had passed away Thursday..  Everything is back into perspective, and we're feeling a bit less sorry for ourselves.

   Hoping your Christmas is merry and that you're spending it with those you love...


Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Festivus !!

Feats Of Strength and Other Traditions Abound !

      It's December 23rd, and the holiday season rolls on.  Hanukkah is in full swing, and Christmas and Kwanzaa are around the corner.  But first, it's one of our favorite holiday traditions - Festivus !!

      Here's our hope that you and yours are gathered under the aluminum pole tree, enjoying your chocolate cake with M&M's on it, while airing your grievances...


Hey, They Tried to Screw It Up, But.....

John Boehner Would Like To Pound a Couple Reps With That Gavel, But He Might Not Have It For Long...

    Merry Christmas!  Congress finally decided to give you a Christmas present.. Actually, it was nothing at all,  because you already had it.  Thats the funniest part (or is it saddest) of all of this.  DC just went to war, and the end result to you will be nothing at all.  Your payroll tax just went from 4.2% to...... 4.2%.  For all of two months.  Then it all starts over again.

    For all the perceived winners and losers in the Payroll Tax deal, the real truth is there are no winners...  There might be a few losers though.  Republicans don't look too good right now, for all the wrong reasons.  They honestly had the higher groun on this one by wanting to go a full year on this.  The House Democrats' plan was the same according to Nancy Pelosi.  But the Senate is where all good legislation goes to die, or get watered down by compromise.  Compromise is often a good thing, but when the starting point is th right thing, then compromise ruins it...

    Honestly, we'll never understand what made the Senate decide to only push a tax extension only two months. The arguments were all sound: businesses need a clearly defined plan to be able to forecast hiring, and two months is no where near that.  Six times longer is a big difference. January is when companies make their decisions for the year, now that has been pushed back at least another til March.... 2012 may be down the economic drain.

    The bad guys suddenly became John Boehner and the Tea Party Republicans.  Though the TP's may be more to blame, Boehner is the one who may pay more than anyone.  Fox had a TP congressman from Louisiana on today, and they grilled him pretty hard on the topic. The best question was 'if this was such a roadblock, and you're against a 2 month extension, why are you not here?'  he basically said they left it up to Boehner to express their views.  Essentially, he passed the buck and said 'It's not my job'.  Nice...

    In short, Boehner got screwed by both the Senate and the House Republicans.  The poor bastard was trying to cut some type of deal, and if it weren't for Pelosi coming up with the unanimous consent solution, we may very well be coming up with the extra 2% each week..  It was all politics.  Even President Obama got in on it, asking Americans to tell him what $40/week means to them.  A bit of an overestimate, becuase $40/week only applies to the top earning rate of $100k plus.  People at that level blow $40/week on coffee and cigarettes..

     Nope, Americans should feel like they just got something extra in their Christmas stocking, because nothing new was there.  This was not a tax cut, it was an extension.  A more correct feeling is to feel like you just got mugged, and the mugger was about to shoot you, when his pistol got jammed.  Luckily, the gun was just aimed at your wallet...  We guess the bets way to look at it is that for once, DC didn't eff up your life..... but God knows they tried! Can't lose 'em all now....


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Don't Worry Charleston, We're Sure It's Not On Purpose

On the Heels of Boeing, News That the Port of Chucktown Won't Have Needed Expansion 'Til 2024 !!

   If people in Charleston are begging to feel like the Federal Government has put a gigantic bullseye on their backs, we don't blame them.  First, it was the NLRB almost inexplicably trying to scuttle Boeing's 787 Dreamliner plant.  Then this week, new comes that the Port of Charleston is about to become outdated, and another arm of DC is dragging it out again...

   Here is the problem: The Panama Canal was recently deepened to allow larger ships to pass through, so to accomodate that, ALL seaports on the East Coast need to become deepwater ports as well, or else they cannot service this cargo.  The Port of Charleston is on board to do this, but the Army Corps of Engineers needs to do an feasibility evaluation, which they said could take up to 8 years to complete.  Dredging would then take 2 more years.  Yes, it takes 1/4 the time to DO the work than to EVALUATE it.  Such is life in Washington....

   Now, you may be criticizing the bigwigs at the Port of Charleston for being behind the times and lacking vision, but they do have a legitimate answer for it: they already HAD a study done just a few years ago, when the last round of improvements were done by the Corps...  Seems reasonable to us. Really, how much changes in a couple years?

   If it sounds like nothing, think again.  If The Port becomes outdated, then all these cargo ships go to Savannah, Jacksonville, Wilmington and others all along the East Coast - and that is deadly to the entire state.  Roughly 1/5 of all jobs in the Palmetto State are tied to the Port directly or indirectly.  Shutting down the port would be tantamount to the naval blockade of Chucktown during the Civil War...

     Lately, we can't blame some people around town who may feel like they are being targeted by the Obama Administration unfairly.  Is it true? Eh, probably not.. Even Jim Clyburn - Obama's eyes and ears in the House - knows that the Port of Charleston is imperative to South Carolina's success.  Still,  it wouldn't surprise us if DC has a fatwa out on SC, with a code of silence on it.  Politics is a funny game, and Chucktown may be paying the price for being so anti-Obama.... We'll see if it's still a problem next year.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our Best Coaching Job Ever, But It Ends Early Anyway...

Crusty Lombardi Overcomes Injuries and Underperformance To Reach the Playoffs..... But Falls Short in Round One.

   Through the years, we had updated you guys about a particular Autumn passion of ours: Fantasy Football.  For the past 6 years or so, we've been addicted to the game.  Though not the greatest player, we've been pretty steady and have relished the tag as one of those teams you hate to play....

    Last year, we went a perfect 13-0 through the regular season - a feat that stunned us, because we didn't think we were that good. Much like the real game, it doesn't matter what you did in the regular season, because we got shelled in the first round.  This year, we stood pretty quietly, mostly because we had a pretty crappy team. It looked good on paper on Draft Day.  But, it quickly went to shit... Here were our players of note:

Andre Johnson - out last 10 of 11 games, hamstring.
Jamaal Charles - out since week 2, knee.
Reggie Wayne - No Peyton Manning, No Reggie Wayne.
Jeremy Maclin - illness, then hamstring injuries.  Missed 9 games.
Matt Ryan - started 2 games, due to Matthew Stafford
Owen Daniels - started 2 games, due to Rob Gronkowski.
Kenny Britt - out since week 3, knee.
Cary Williams, Antrel Rolle, Mike Jenkins, Brandon Flowers, Asher Allen, Dmitri Patterson - CB's in a LB draft. Cut em all before opening day.
Ryan Torain, CJ Spiller - never started until week 14. cut ...

But, we did have a solid base of Stafford, Gronkowski, Mike Wallace, and in the second half, Michael Bush. Thanks to some good waiver work, we snagged Antonio Brown and Stephen Gostkowski, and turned a 3-5 team into an 8-6 finish (the only loss was by 2 points, due to a stat correction) and a number six seed.  Only problem was, we drew a Round One matchup against Bobby and his team, the Tittsburgh Feelers: a strong, consistent team, and possibly the best name I ever heard...

We gave it a good try, with Stafford turning in his best game of the year, but Gronko came up a bit short, and my defensive choices were atrocious.... Crusty Lombardi came up 16 points short.  Best of Luck to Bobbo in the semi's... Now, we have to figure out what to name the team next year. First it was DustingOffMyLombardi, then Dusty Lombardi, then Rusty and now Crusty.  We'll work on it.  Til, then, see you next season!


Wishing We Could Piss Away Money Like This ....

Is This Rihanna or Carrot Top?  For $3300 A DAY, We'd Rather Not Know..

    We read an interesting article from MSN this week.  It was a thorough and enlightening article to give you an idea of just how out of reality many stars in Hollywood are with you.  For many of us, a trip to TGI Fridays is a big night out.  MSN had dozens and dozens of examples of the rich and famous spending their cash in ways that would make you puke:  $400,000 Maybachs (their 2nd one), or $8 Million cars for themselves.  2200 square foot nurseries for their newborns.  Literally too many to list, but we'll give you 2 examples....

     First is Rihanna.  Yes, that is her in the picture above, not Side Show Bob from The Simpsons.  You see that absolute train wreck of a hairdo?  Well, she has a 'stylist' on call that she pays - get this - $3300 a DAY.  So, for what you spend on food for yourself for a year, she blows on looking like Carrot Top's twin sister...

     As bad as that was, it wasn't enough to take First Prize.  That went to Petra Eccelstone... Don't know her?  No reason you should.  She hasn't done anything, but he dad is the billionaire founder of Formula One Racing, the biggest and priciest racing circuit in the world.  Well, daddy must have given her a pretty nice chunk o' change to get a head start in adulthood, because the 22 year old purchased Aaron Spelling's $85 million , 123 room mansion. That's her, and that's the house... But we're not done yet.

     We suppose the girl is in some kind of rush to be an adult, because she also got married this Summer.  At least the house makes sense now, because you don't want the kids growing up in an apartment or a shack on the wrong side of the tracks... like in Malibu.  The wedding was in Rome, but the reception was at the house - and it was one for the record books. Costing nearly $5 million, it featured a Vera Wang wedding dress at a cost of $130,000.  And the entertainment?  How about Andrea Bocelli, Eric Clapton, Alicia Keys and the Black Eyed Peas.  They weren't guests..... they f**king PLAYED!  Quite a wedding band, don't you think?  So, for what you consider a lifechanging amount of cash, she spent in one day for a party...

     Yeah, we know - they're creating jobs and stimulating the economy.  Sickening...  Next time one of these asshole tells you who to vote for, keep this post in mind. They don't know you.... They CAN'T relate to you.



Iowa Gets Tight

The Latest Real Clear Politics Poll Shows the Hawkeye State Is Anything But Real Clear...

    Imagine our surprise when we pulled this picture up to use that it came from Earl's Blog!  The check is in the mail....  To no one's surprise, as we get closer to the Iowa Caucuses, the race is getting closer and closer. Once again, the leader is slipping in the polls, and every candidate's hot air balloons are running out of helium, with maybe one slight exception.

   Yeah, it's tight.  So tight, that we don't expect a clear winner. According to the latest Real Clear Politics poll, Newt Gingrich is still in front - but barely.  Newtie is getting 20.3% of the vote, with Ron Paul steadily climbing at 19.3%, and Mitt Romney close behind at 18.3%.  Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are below 10%, with Jon Huntsman nowhere to be found. That happens when you stop visiting.  All his eggs are in New Hampshire.....

   Doesn't get much closer than that, does it?  So, why is Paul making a run?  That's easy: he's a Libertarian, so if you're a Right Winger in conservative Iowa, you can't do much better than Paul.  We always thought it odd that Michele Bachmann was attacking Newt Gingrich to get the conservative vote, when Paul has been her main competition all along.  Of course, trying to get a Ron Paul supporter to switch sides is like getting a Gamecock Fan to root for Clemson....

   Iowa is tailor made for Paul, as opposed to the rest of the United States.  See 2008, under the heading of 'Huckabee'...  They's loves their Christian Conservatives up there, and the more conservative , the better.  If Paul can't win in Iowa, he can't win anywhere.  Honestly, he probably won't win anywhere else.  South Carolina is a possibility, but we pick winners, and Paul isn't it.  But, you take the primaries and caucuses one at a time, and Paul is in good shape for Round One...

   Is Newt fatigue setting in?  Maybe. In terms you might not agree with, Gingrich appears to have been working up his woodie slowly - right up until he got into the room with the prostitute, and promptly shot his wad.  Call it Premature Election...  In a HUGE surprise, Romney is stuck at 18-20% since 2008.  Not enough to get elected, but still maybe to last until the also rans drop out, and he is left as the best choice left.  Not exciting, but it may work...

   In the end, it appears that it will be a wash, with all three equalizing each other, and then, it's onto New Hampshire, where Huntsman gets into the fray...  There is still 13 days to go, so Paul could uptrend further to claim a more clear win by maybe 5 points or so.  Not a mandate at all, but a win is a win.   For now, it's pretty fuzzy..


We're Running Out of Nutty Dictators to Pick On.

N. Korean Strongman Kim Jong Il Dies, And Leaves the Family Business to His Idiot Son..

   Pardon us, as we mourn the loss of Kim Jong Il.  No, we will not be crying like the stagehands apparently running around Pyongyang this week, shedding crocodile tears.  Still, when you write a blog that is based on humor, you need an antagonist.  If there is nothing to point the shotgun at, why bother firing???

   No, this has not been a good year for odd dictators. First, we lost Moammar Qaddafi, now comes the passing of Kim, who apparently had a heart attack on a train two days before anyone was notified.  Talk about a closed society...  Now it appears we have left is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo Chavez.  Hopefully, we'll be developing some new crazy/unlethal dictators to keep us busy.

   Now, back to North Korea.  Kim Jong Il was always good material.  He had the look: short, weird hair, eyeglasses, and the ability to play with nuclear arms the way your six year old kid plays with power tools for the first time.  Yes, there was a serious side to it, but with Kim, you knew what was coming - a scud flying off into the Sea of Japan every year or so.  Unfortunately, there is new leadership, and that leads us to fear of the unknown...

    Taking over is Kim Jong Un, Il's 27 year old son.  Newly minted as a 4-Star General, Un is inexperienced, unknown, and worst of all, not ready.  Word is the recent ballistic missile firing was Un's work, not his father's.  North Korea is much a family-owned business.  Leadership has been passed down from father to son for three generations now.  The difference is Il took over for his Dad at age 52.  Un is taking over at barely half that age...  And much like the idiot son who gets the keys to the shop, Un is poised to run it into the ground.

    This will sound strange, but the best hope for North Korea lies in it's military.... Yep.  Power originally stood with the military - like most Communist countries - but Kim Jong Il took power over time back to the politicians. Himself mainly.  With Un in his obviously weakest position right now, this would be the time for military leaders - like REAL generals - to depose or set up Un as a puppet.  Maybe that would ease tensions between the two Koreas, but we're not secure with either of these scenarios.  Maybe China could work a little magic on this, but how much will that help?

    We have no crystal ball, so we'll see how it goes.  Hopefully it all remains peaceful, but we have our doubts.   For now, we'll miss Kim Jong Il, if only for the comedic value alone... Maybe Un will be featured in Team America II: World Police.


Sunday, December 18, 2011

It's Official..... We're Coming Back !

Up Your Nose With a Rubber Hose!!  SC6 To Become a South Carolina-Based Blog Again.  You Have Been Warned..

    We're not sure how much the rumor has gone around the mill just yet. We suspect not very much.  After all, it IS Christmas time.  Even we realize the world does not revolvearound us, as much as we might assume it does.  But, for those of you who might have been wondering since we ceased working a couple weeks ago... Yes, SC6 is coming home to Flotown, and not just for a vacation.

    You are reading correctly.  After 27 months of blogging on SC politics from Yankeeville, we're ready to come home.  There are a couple of job offers we have to juggle, though neither are set in stone just yet.  It's a simple case of economics... We already have a nice house we've spent about $20,000 on since we left, so why sit at home in a studio apt in cold New York (and it IS getting cold), when we could enjoy a real bed in a real house in warmer weather?  It's a no-brainer. 

    Luckily, we are not going back into the car business, and we've made some friends in high places that see some level of intelligence in us.  The only times we've ever been fired were in the car business, so even though the money was decent, the hours and instability (them , not me) have caused us to look for a new career.  Going back into service would be like marrying the woman you've already divorced....five times.

    As far as the schedule, we'll be doing The Move, Part I right after New Years, where we'll set up and take care of a few things.  Then we'll be going back around the 15th to New York to gather the rest of the stuff and come back around the 23rd for good.. Politically, it's going to be a nightmare - for the candidates!  We'll be in town for all the fun, following the Big Dogs, and asking questions they never wished they were asked... No, we will NOT be running for office anywhere.

     So, you have 30 days notice to evacuate if you deem it necessary.  The Damn Yankee is coming back, so lock up you wife and daughters!!!  See you soon!


Enjoy That Tax Cut Before It Spoils ..

If These Milk Cartons Were The Payroll Tax Cut, You'd Better Check the Expiration Date, 'Cause It's Gonna Spoil....Do Not Drink After 1/1/2013

     Yesterday , we posted about Congress 'saving' 160 million Americans on their payroll taxes by continuing the program... for a whole 2 months.  The hope was that it would eventually be extended past that, or become permanent as part of an overall tax reform - like the one we proposed a couple weeks ago.  According to one person, don't expect it, because DC needs that money more than you do...

     First, a clarification.  Congress did not cut taxes - they simpley avoided a tax increase.  These things happen when they continue to do gimmick 'tax reform' every year, then go to war every year or two (or in this case two months)... So, don't get too excited about what was agreed to yesterday, because you already have it in your check.  For you, nothing happened.  The only good news was, it didn't get worse.  Yet.

    Maybe the reason the cut was extended was that no one has any intention of permanently extending a cut in the most regressive tax out there.  Millionaires pay the same actual amount as those who make $100,000.  Why? Because the taxable cap is $110k... Making adjustments to the Payroll Tax is the easiest and fairest way to make taxes equitable, which is why it will never happen.  But, we digress.   

    Nope, on the Hill, a press conference was given where the person stated that any tax cut will be lucky if it lasts for one year.  That person was ...... BIG SURPRISE .... Nancy Pelosi.  Stunned aren't you. In the same announcement where she stated that keeping the cut will create another 600,000 jobs - which is so incorrect that we can't believe how ignorant she is - San Fran Nan said that the cut was only because the economy was so bad, they needed to help, but by next year, it should be much better.  Therefore, taxpayers WON'T NEED THE MONEY in 2013.  But DC does.... Stupid, stupid , stupid!

    It kind of cements the belief that lots of Democrats think that they need your money more than you do.  Good Luck winning back the house next November with that thought process, Ex Madame Speaker..  Unless the gameplan is to get a longterm reform - ahem, like the one that we proposed last week - winning back the House will be an epic fail.  Remember grandma, that 9% approval rating applies to the 178 Democratic members too - and you're their frigging leader!

   In case we never stated our position before we'll do it now.. The main cause of the budget deficit isn't that Americans are overtaxed - it's that DC overspends.  Blame it on both the Bush and Obama Administrations, and Congress members in office for the past 10 years.  But, we don't think that tax cuts need to be done at this time either.  Cutting is the priority, but we do think that the tax system needs to be equitable, and it isn't right now.  The middle class is getting squeezed to death from taxes at ALL levels of government, and it needs to be fixed.

    Yanking another $1000-1500 annually from earners is not what needs to be done.  Eliminate the cap of payroll taxes, and drop the rate another half-point to a full point. Tax cuts for lower and middle class incomes.  Social Security gets funded. Yes, higher earners will pay more, but by cutting the rate, they will be offset so that it only affects those making $150k or more with a tax they already pay most of the year.  The others that don't pay it a majority of the year are making so much, they won't miss it. It's fair - and it'll never happen.  Republicans have their reasons.  And Pelosi has hers....


Today's Founders Quote: A Noble Inheritance

"Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors; and capacity, if wisely improved, and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to their latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence."
- Joseph Story, 1833.

Simply put, we owe it to those who came before us and sacrificed, to let our kids know how America got there.  iPods, iPads and LED TV's didn't just come around - they were brought about by the entrepreneurial spirit and urge for freedom of our founding fathers.  That continued through 230 years of people who kept pushing the envelope, and protected by those who died saving our freedom.

A good example of peaceful enjoyment can be found watching The Big Bang Theory star, Kaley Cuoco (we'll pass on any Big Bang comments here).  We don't know writes that show, but they're pretty damned smart - and lucky!


You'll Never Guess One of Newt's Favorite Movies ..

Any Movie With Mike Tyson and a Naked Chinese Guy Kicking the Crap Out of Three People With a Crow Bar Gets Our OK !

     Anyone can tell you the usual new about the candidates.. Campaign stops? BO-RING !!!  Endorsements?  ZZZZZZ...   Behind the scenes staff changes?  Please, don't make us laugh.... No, what people REALLY want to know about the candidates is personal stuff.  What's your favorite song/band?  Got a favorite supermodel?  Boxers/briefs/freestyle? 

    OK, maybe no one wants to know the last one, but a major factor for a candidate these days is likability.  Which one do you want to have a beer with?  So, we have a tidbit that we heard about Newt Gingrich... Newtie is a big movie fan, and one of his favorite movies is...... wait for it...... The Hangover.

    We shit you not... Maybe it's Heather Graham playing a stripper/ call girl, or Mike Tyson dropping Zach Galifianakis in one punch, or a Bengal Tiger in the bathroom, but Newt has seen the movie a lot.  Not once, no twice.... but SEVEN times!  That's even tice more than we've watched it.  No report on his favorite line, but we think it may be the Asian guy yelling 'You Wanna F**ky Me ?????'.  You want the answer to that, you ask him.  We're not touching that one....


Cartoon of the Week. The Christmas Sale Continues !

    It's that last week before Christmas, so we're still giving deals on all our political cartoons.  Luckily, there are some decent ones in stock, so the BOGO sale is still on!  First up, we picked the one where Lowe's was pretty much forced to drop it's ads from the show about Muslim-Americans that are pretty much like you and me.  It's a shame that we have people around who forget that freedom of religion applies to ALL religions, not just ones that believe in Jesus.  There are some bad Muslims out there, but chances are they don't live in your neighborhood. Let DHS take care of this....

     Hey, remember when going into public service was considered an honorable thing?  Funny part is, my parents did the same thing when I told them this when I was young too!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday to the Best Blog Ever On Pee Dee Politics, Written By a Guy 700 Miles Away!

We're Not Sure WHO Otis Is, But We Think We're a Winner

      Ahh, the kids grow up so fast... One day, a blog comes home from the hospital, and your life changes forever.  Next thing you know, they're in kindergarten, learning to spell and write.  Pretty soon, SC6 will be stealing money from our wallet, along with the keys to our car.. They'll start talking back and demanding an iPad, because all the other blogs have one.  We better enjoy this time while we have it....

       Yep, on December 17, 2005, in an apartment in Charleston, SC, SC6 was born.  It's gone through six years, 2 gubernatorial, one presidential and three congressional elections.  3265 posts.  We never thought we'd have that much to discuss, but eventually the blog finds it legs and feel, and the material just takes care of itself...

        We've been around so long now, that even our congressional district has changed.  No, we don't plan on changing the name to SC7..... We've worked too hard to earn our stripes and reputation.  We may have spent a lot of time out of the loop, but we managed to stay involved and in touch. Pretty soon, that might change, and we intend to take our place back as the place SC Republicans go to get the truth on the issues.... At least as we see it.  Stay tuned!

      As always, thanks to the nearly 350,000 visitors that have come by to log on since last year, especially to the crew that posts comments on a regular basis, to give us actual proof that people read us.  We wish there were more, but we take the lack of comments that everything we say is right, and that you agree with us 100%.  :)

      Like we've said before, when this ends, we have no idea.  The thought that we someday earn the recognition of having 'The World's Oldest Blog' has crossed our minds, but even Earl's blog is older.  We'll just keep writing if you keep reading. And if you stop reading?  We'll probably keep writing anyway!  Thanks again...


Kicking the Can Down the Street. A Whole Two Months....

Congress Passes Payroll Tax Cut .... All the Way Until February!

     In this week before Christmas, Congress did something that many of us can relate to this time of year... Much like how you leave all your holiday shopping until the last minute, and end up forgetting half of the stuff you were supposed to do, Congress did the same thing.  They stayed over for a whole day and passed the continuation of the Payroll Tax Cut, along with the XL Pipeline deal - but the deal is only for two months.  Feel safe? Neither do we....

     Yeah, instead of maybe spending a couple days, or - here's an idea - they started working on a long-term plan a while ago, we would actually have a permanent deal for Social Security funding and tax relief - all in one shot.  No, they decided to take a task that you could check off for good, and make it like taking out the trash: something you do every week...  They Kicked the Can.

    On the surface, passing this was better than doing nothing, so we'll give them a modicum of credit for that.  That's about it.  160 million citizens will avoid a tax hike, and Barack Obama now has the XL Pipeline thrown on his lap, which he really needs to OK.  His excuses for waiting to make a decision were weak.  Now he is tied to it, or will raise taxes if he vetoes it. 

    Congress got something done, though not much.  They might have been able to fix three issues in one fell swoop, but it'll be back soon, unless someone in the back continues to work on it, which we doubt.  It's always done last minute in DC.  Before we know, some DC staffer's Blackberry will blow up with a reminder that the Payroll Tax hike is coming up - again.  Our guess is that's when Congress will think about it again.  Then they'll kick the can a little further.  Sad....


Today's Founders Quote: If Men Were Angels

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself."

- James Madison, 1788.

    I think we're all pretty sure that there are no angels in DC. We're not even sure there are any angels watching over Congress... Perhaps Clarence Oddbody could take a break from keeping tabs on George Bailey, and keep an eye on them... Madison is right, however.  Too many laws are passed with the focus on governing the people, and not enough on governing GOVERNMENT..  We restrict the rights of citizens, but DC never seems to be reigned in...

    If it were up to us, we'd restrict Katy Perry - straight to the bedroom, and you can't leave 'til we say so!  Not sure Russell Brand would be cool with that, but he seems pretty easygoing.....


Nikki Haley Pisses Off The Tea Party.. And Why It Shouldn't Matter To Anyone At All ..

Will's Old Girl Gives Guy Smiley the Nod... So?

     Onto some statewide political news.  A major bomb was dropped on the GOP race , when SC Governor Nikki Haley, a rising star with a key early primary state, gave her official endorsement to Mitt Romney this week.  By doing so, local Tea Party leaders are feeling betrayed and upset at Haley's apparent snub. At least that's how the media would like you to see it that way.  OK, guys.  Let's go easy here.  Here is our take.  First, this was no surprise.  Secondly, the Tea Party should have known better. Thirdly, NO ONE should care, and we don't think they do...

     Why no surprise?  Uhh, gee... Haley gave an endorsement back in 2008 when she was a state rep, and it went to??  Mitt Romney.  That was with a better field than this year's kookfest and moderate alternatives.  Haley didn't have much else to pick from, so yeah, it's was bound to be Romney again.

    Reading a few articles, there seems to be a lot of flak coming from Tea Party members here, who first off, weren't aware of the previous endorsement, and secondly, viewed Haley as a rebellious candidate straight from the Right Wing.  In short, they decieved themselves (we won't say she duped them, it's their own fault) into thinkig Haley was a rebel.  Nope.  She was an elected official back then, and she still is.  Anyone who thought she didn't have a little moredation in her were fooling themselves.... our apologies to Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann, who was really banking on the nod.  Endorsements aren't coming to either of you.

     Now, onto our important point of this news.  NONE of this matters... Not a bit.  We have a question to ask, and don't be insulted.... Are you a mindless sheep?  A Stepford Voter?  A brainless moron who needs everyone to tell you how to do everything?  We didn't think so.. Endorsements are useless, except for minimally effective press for the campaigns.  Romney has piled up a ton of elected official endorsements..... and he's trailing Newt Gingrich by 20 points.  Further evidence that voters are NOT mindless.  They think for themselves, and the polls seem to back that up.... Not that it's necessarily right, but that's how it should be.

    Like we often say, Politics is Much Ado About Nothing... Haley's endorsement is not surprising, but it IS meaningless.  It may cost her re-election in 2014 - or not. It depends on whether you think the Tea Party backing is a plus or minus.  For now, it means nothing.  Check the polls, and see if South Carolina changes for Romney at all.  We doubt it... If it does, it'll be due to Newt Fatigue, and not an endorsement.


The Tooth Fairy Runs For Mayor Of Florence ...

OK, It's Actually Ed Robinson.... But It May As Well Be.

    The big news in local politics in the Pee Dee was the announcement that Florence City Councilman Ed Robinson will be challenging incumbent Mayor Stephen Wukela in the 2012 Democratic primary...  Our main comment? Good Luck!

    We'll try to look at this objectively, because we always get hate comments from Robinson supporters, who call us racist.  Not that it bothers us, but we do worry that one of these kooks will eventually burn our house down.  Fortunately, the cab fare from North Florence to my block is at least $12... It just ain't worth it!

    Maybe we were being a bit callous to Robinson here, but seriously, Robinson has NO CHANCE of beating Wukela.  That's why we used the Tooth Fairy, but feel free to use Santa Claus. The Easter Bunny, Leprechauns, Unicorns or any of your favorite non-existent beings... Just look at the obvious.  Robinson just barely squeaked by to win his own seat last time around, with all of 400-500 votes.  He'll rile up a good amount of votes in his district, but he will get slaughtered in all other areas..

    It's not just a weakness on Robinson, it's Wukela is running a position of strength right now.  Yeah, Wukela 'shocked' Frank Willis in 2008, but it wasn't a real shock.  Rumblings about a challenge to Willis had been around for years.  Wukela has shored up every weak spot that he had when he was elected since then.  He didn't make outlandish promises, and the ones he did promise, he fulfilled, without major tax hikes.  In business, we call it underpromising and overdelivering. Aim small, miss small....

    In a way, we're surprised Robinson is taking on Wukela.  From all the meetings we've seen, Wukela has been respectful of Robinson's rants at council meetings.  He's given him his time, before having to reel in Ed to stay on point at whatever the subject they are discussing is.  It's ironic that Wukela - who we would guess is at least 20 years Robinson's junior - has been the adult in the room...  That is the difference.  

    The Florence Mayor's race in 2012 will be pretty dull.  Wukela will trounce Robinson in the Primary, and has plenty of Republican support - so much that the GOP may not even field a candidate.  May not, but we think a marginal candidate will run, then find out he/she can't find any financial support, because Wukela has already locked it up.  Robinson, and anyone for that matter, has the right to run.  But he has as much of chance of beating Wukela that I had of beating Jim Clyburn... See, we ARE objective.

     Our guess is Robinson wants to just get a forum where he gets equal time with Mayor Hickory Head.  We doubt Wukela will give him the time, because if you want to look like an idiot, then debate an idiot.  The Mayor has given him plenty of time, and has worked to address Robinson's valid points.  The only people who will lose, aside from Robinson, will be any GOP primary candidates that will not get votes because of the crossover votes to ensure that Wukela crushes Ed.  Or Santa. Or whoever else comes down the pike, and on the ballot.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Norwegian Butter Battle ....

Quit Smiling Elsie, and Start Squirting Some Milk!

    Time for one of THOSE stories again.. We know how you love 'em!  Every good dumb story needs a funny hook.  Put 'Norway' and 'Butter Frenzy' together, and you're all set...

    Yes, the streets of Oslo, Lillehammer, Trondheim and Fredrikstad are lined with Norwegians freaking out.  Why?  They have NO BUTTER.  You heard right.. They have literally run out of butter!  And this is no time for that, because Norwegian Christmas delicacies are chock full of the sweet, creamy, artery-clogging stuff...  Yumpin' Yiminy !!! What's a country to do?

    Norwegians generally don't have much to be excited about.  We tried to look up famous Norwegians, and there aren't much. That's because most of them are Swedish, although Anni-Frid Lyngstad IS Norwegian.  Aside from that, the poet Ibsen and a couple porn stars.  That's it.  Bjorn Borg? Swedish.  Bjork? Icelandic.  Lars Ulrich? Danish , via California...All they have is their cooking, so no butter means no food, and no food means no life...

    Luckily, there is a little relief coming.  Butter is being shipped from other countries (Denmark is reporting laughing their asses off at the Norwegians right now).  It's going pretty fast, so those who still can't get butter are using oil, margarine and other butter substitutes.  But anyone who cooks knows there is butter, or there isn't.  Don't believe Fabio - we can tell it's not butter!

   Yes, it's a classic economic case of supply and demand.... Our advice is to buy some butter, put it on eBay, and sell it to the highest bidder.  It's gonna be a shitty Christmas in Porsgrunn....


Shhh..... The Iraq War Is Over.

Amen, Brother ..

     Just in case it hasn't been been made aware to you, the Iraq War officially ended today.  Troops are leaving.  The Iraqi army is now in charge of their own destiny.  If it seems that not much has been made of this, you're alone in thinking that...

     Listening to POTUS yesterday, Bill Press was noting the odd silence over the end here.  Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki was in DC on Monday to meet with President Obama.  There was no official state ceremony to mark the event.  Al-Maliki's visit was no different from any other leader of state.  Odd indeed...

    The most important thing is that it IS over, and that is a good thing.  Iraq needs to take care of itself, and we think the lack of an American presence will assist in calming tensions down.  Not completely, of course.  Shiite and Sunni hatred will always be there.  Bombs will still go off, and people will die. It's gonna happen, but it should lessen.  Southerners should have a good understanding of outsiders living in your home with guns...

   Was it a success?  Yes, and no.  Iraq is free, and Saddam Hussein is gone.  It seems in hindsight that the reasons for going in were incorrect.  Whether or not it was worth 4000 American lives and $1T in spending (there's that T again), is up for debate.  Most of us will never agree on that.  The important thing is that it is over.  Whatever errors were made in Iraq do not need to be made in Afghanistan.  We are far from done in the War on Terror.  I can tell you personally.  I hear of phone calls from my cousin Chris, who is in the 82nd Airborne.  He is still out there a lot, unable to tell us where he is, or when he will return....

    That's the only part that makes us upset a little.  Barack Obama stopped by Fort Bragg this week to give a speech, but by not giving a more formal and greater marking of the end, it puts a little tarnish on the work and service of those who fought and those who died in Iraq.  No, we wouldn't expect a VE or VJ Day-type of celebration, but the tepid way that Obama and Congress have marked it is disappointing...
