Friday, January 06, 2012

7th District Candidates Are Losing Their Focus On the Prize

For a Couple Would-Be Congressmembers, That One Thing Was 'Get Arrested' and 'Get Pregnant'...

    Sometimes, people don't think about things fully before doing things. We speak from experience on this.. When we ran for Congress in 2004, we had no staff, no money... All we had was an idea, and a reliable car.  Times change, but from what it looks like this week, the unfocused thought process hasn't....

    When you run for public office, staying disciplined is a primary trait.  Why? Because once you get there, it takes the same focus and ability to block out the lobbyists, single-issue groups and idiot fellow members of Congress to be a great legislator.  Simply put, if you can't stay disciplined when running for office, you won't be disciplined once you get there.  To us, it sure looks like two people running for the new 7th District seat failed.. One worse than the other...

    The Grand Prize goes to Thad Viers, who was arrested to allegedly stalking and harrassing his ex-girlfriend since their June breakup.  We've never met Viers, but from all the bad press he's gotten over the past five years, we're surprised that he even decided to try and run for Congress. Sorry Thad, but we like to put good people in office, and this third or fourth strike pretty much cements that you have some personal problems to hash out before running for anything ever again.  No means no.  After a good-hearted try to make up, if they still want nothing to do with you, it's time to move on...

     The second one we are going to try to tip-toe through, because it's going to make us look like a bunch of sexist pigs..  According to a couple posts from her on Facebook, Mande Wilkes is pregnant.  No, this is not a voluntary misstep like Viers.  Then again, if you don't want to have kids, there are a few pretty foolproof methods to employ. Sometimes, God manages to beat you anyway! 

     No, being pregnant is not an automatic disqualifier for office.  Wilkes doesn't have to sit in bed for the next nine months, and lots of women have kids while in office.  However, the timing for her could not be worse.  Assuming she's been pregnant for a month, she would be unable to campaign from July, and deliver around mid-September. Generally, women will take a good 6-8 weeks after birth to recover. That takes us right up to Election Day. Game Over...

    We're just stating facts of how a campaign goes, and doing both will be impossible.  Wilkes is very young, and she will have a great reason to have for NOT running in 2012 - much better than Viers.  Not to give her any blame on this, but it's pretty apparent this was a surprise.  No one runs for Congress one day, then gets pregnant the next.  It's a tough break, but by Election Day, she will care less that she didn't run. Children do that to you...


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