Sunday, January 29, 2012

Eli Manning: NFL's Top Sex Symbol ???

Survey Shows Chicks Would Rather Cheat With the Giants' QB Than With Pats' Tom Brady... and We Know Why.

     Give him some credit.. Eli Manning does have a little of that Joh Kennedy Jr. thing going on here. OK, maybe more like the guy from Sixteen Candles.... It's Super Bowl week, and we do mean SUPER!  Yes, our G-Men have pulled off what seemed impossible a month or so ago, and are ready to play Tom Brady and the Patriots.  Now, onto the question all of America is asking....  Who Do Chicks Dig More??

     No, we haven't figured women out at all. We leave it up to the experts - you know, people who actually talk to them... We don't know what the single women think, but we got some insight into how married women think.  In a survey taken this week. Women say if they could choose, they would have an afair with Eli Manning over Tom Brady.  Yeah, a bit of a surprise to us guys.  Peyton's little brother won almost 3 to 2. But reading some comments gave us an idea..

   Things like 'boyish good looks' and 'sweetness' made up for Brady's cool hair and style.  Another reason? Brady is viewed as kind of a scumbag... Why? Well, most of us guys forgot that he dumped a pregnant Bridget Moynihan for his current wife, model Giselle Bundchen.  However, women NEVER forget that stuff.  It's kind of funny, because we don't see the correlation between ethics and cheating.. Seriously, if you're cheating on your husband, you're gonna care what kind of guy you do it with? Like it really matters...

    We have a different theory... We don't think the reason would be as honorable as Eli Manning's boyish looks.  We think it's his quietness.  Maybe it's shyness, but Eli doesn't talk much, and that's what a cheating woman would want - a guy who keeps his trap shut.  You cheat with Tom Brady, and there'll be 500 papparazi in the bushes outside your house... Next thing you know, TB's on with Jim Nantz for the 20th time, gabbing about it.  That's when your hubby owns everything - except the kids.  No guy can deal with that... It's the truth. 

    Nope, you cheat with Eli, and NO ONE will probably know. Even if he did gab, who's gonna understand him - or believe him for that matter?  Nope, Eli's the man... For more reasons than one!



  1. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Why are men over analyzing this? Some of us (single, married, young, old) women just find Eli HOT. He's a 6'4" 225 pound star quarterback with boyish yet rugged good looks, yankable hair, and an unbelieveable butt. He has the sweetest personality but a fighter's mentality on the field. But, mostly, it really is as simple as looking mind-blowingly good in a pair of tights.

  2. Thanks for confirming that men have NO IDEA what motivates women! Never even thought about the value of 'Yankable Hair'... Though most guys butts look pretty good in the tight pants - even the bloated O-linemen.

    Kudos for pegging Eli's on and off the field attributes. Few guys get knocked down, get right back up, and throw the way we do..
