Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gabrielle Giffords Take the Right Route ...

      A warning before you read this post... We are going to be very honest and objective on this topic - almost to the point of being unfeeling. Yeah, we're going to be pricks on this one.  It's not that we are bad.. We felt as sorry for Gabrielle Giffords as anyone when she was shot last year.  In all honesty, we were suprised this hadn't happened before. With the lack of security that Congressmen have, it's been fortunate.  The whole shooting in Tucson was a tragedy, and everyone has been pretty amazed by her progress...

   Now that we have touched on that, please allow us to focus on what the people of Arizona's 8th District need - a working Congressperson.  Forgive us for being realistic here, but Gabrielle Giffords did the absolutely right thing by resigning her seat in the House this week. She simply is not able to do the job, and she probably should have done it earlier...

   From all reports, Giffords brain function is working well, but the part that works speech has been affected.  A good example of this was the video her campaign put out this week to announce her decision.  We didn't see the video. No, we did better - we listened to it on POTUS Radio.  You could clearly tell that it was chopped and spliced together to form the speech.  The vocal inflections were all over the range, where it was obvious it was done over and over and mashed into a speech.  It sounded like a Customer Service voice machine, or Stephen Hawking's voice machine...

    Politics is all about communication, and Giffords has a long road to rehab.  As nasty as it may sound, it would have been unfair to the people she represents to have their district compromised by not having her there, fully capable of doing the job.  It's sad, because she was considered a front runner to take Jon Kyl's vacant seat in the Senate.  But, things don't always go according to plan.  For now, she's doing the right thing. Her priority is to take care of herself, and the future will see where she can go from there... We wish her well, and congratulate her for ignoring the people asking her to stay, and making the right choice.....



  1. Plus...she was rendering John Boehner from being able to speak as well. His constituents were not being represented through all his blubbering...

  2. Yeah, but you can't blame her for that... Boehner blubbers about everything. Once saw him start blubbering while discussing blubbering!
