Friday, January 20, 2012

SC6 Looks into the South Carolina Primary Tea Leaves. Again!

Newt Gingrich May Not Do Goal Posts For Paper Football Correctly, But He May Have Enough Room To Sneak In a Win...

  We're finally here... One day left, then South Carolina will direct a clearer path for the Republican nomination. Will it decide who wins?  No way... Will the winner of the GOP Primary be the nominee? Maybe, but it will be a long time before it is decided... We very well could be going to the convention unsure of who it is.  But, we go step by step here.  We're at the plate tomorrow - then everyone will evacuate The Palmetto State for another 4 years like someone poisoned the Barbecue!

    We've been pretty good at reading the tea leaves so far, thanks to some pretty accurate polling.  So, we're not clairvoyant - we just see the wave right before it crashes. It's pretty easy.  We had lots of questions going into today, where we wanted to see how the dominoes fell.  It didn't look good for Mitt Romney, who was left banking on the ABC piece on Newt Gingrich's wife to have some credibility, and to clear the air on his taxes. Neither happened...

    First off, Romney looked defensive and stuttery when addressing his taxes, which he has a habit of doing often.  If nominated, he better get that damned stuttering crap fixed, or Barack Obama will wax him in the debates... As for Gingrich, the ABC piece looked like a hatchet job, and Republicans have actually come to his defense, strengthening his position on the old issue. He also was much better at addressing the tougher battle than Romney had.  In short, the waves are crashing in South Carolina - and Mitt Romney is going under tomorrow..

    Romney has essentially held serve on his supporters, but all of the undecideds are falling Newt's way.  The 'podium vs. podium' question as to who would debate Barack Obama better is pretty clear.  Does it mean he's more electable?  Not necessarily, given Gingrich's baggage, but we're not there yet.   The fight for third has been pretty dull..  Ron Paul is not turning any heads, and Rick Santorum has not gotten the evangelical vote that he banked on.  It seems odd that he can't beat a Mormon, a guy married three times, and a Libertarian, but apparently the voters are not placing that as a primary requirement...

Gingrich 39%, Romney 35%, Paul 15%, Santorum 11%.

    So, we will go onto Florida from here... Does this make Gingrich the man to beat? Not yet, not by a longshot.  South Carolina was where he set his flag, and Florida will cost a boatload of money to run with Romney - money he doesn't have right now..  Northern Florida may go for Newt and Santorum, but South Florida, aka New York's Sixth County, is nothing like here.  Totally different turf...  The string of South Carolina picking presidents may come to an end this year, but we'll see...

    We'd like to thank you for checking in here during the Primary.  No doubt we have some new readers, as our hit count has almost doubled since Iowa.  Hopefully, you'll stick around for more on the campaign, and the General Election.  We don't sugar coat or give partisan, agenda-driven advice..... We call it like we see it.  And, we have plenty of pics of hot women to keep you interested!


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