Sunday, January 29, 2012

Shhhhhh !!! Your Congressman Is Sleeping...

Aww, They're SO CUTE At That Age !!

     Yes, we're a couple days behind on this one, but we didn't have time to blog... We didn't catch this as it happened during Barack Obama's State of the Union address.  Hey, we can't blame The Whipper (or Ex-Whipper, as it were) for falling asleep on the job.  We were promised by Jay Carney that Obama's speech would be full of meat.  Instead, it had about as much meat as a Tofu Taco....

      A couple things caught our attention on this pic.  Of course, Jim Clyburn napping while everyone is in full standing ovation mode is classic!  Dude, at least WAKE UP.... Then again, they do overdo the ovations during the SOTU's anyway... It gives you an idea of just how bored Clyburn has become during his slipping a notch or two during the past year.  It seems The Sage has lost his luster, and his drive. It happens when you've already peaked, and you see the drop coming.  Ask Lady Gaga...

    Our other favorite on this is Nancy Pelosi... It would have been more appropriate if San Fran Nan had dropped her pantsuit (ugh, bad visual there) and donned a cheerleader outfit and Pom-Pom's...EVERYBODY UP, EVERYBODY DOWN !!!!  2,4,6,8 - RAISE THE RICH'S TAX RATE !!  GOOOOOO, OBAMA!!!!

    Yes, sometimes politics is simply laughable... Oops, time for our nap!



  1. That's funny. Some other blogger ran this a few days ago. You're just getting back in SC and already falling down on the job. Don't make us Trump you so soon.

  2. Yeah, I saw that.. Been doing yardwork all week, so I was a bit late.. But, I figured I would be derelict in my duties by writing about it at all. Better late than never!

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Falls asleep at town halls, falls asleep on SOTUS, dear God I hope Mignon doesn't let pimp daddy drive back from DC...wait a minute what am I saying?? Hey Jimbo want to take a Bufferin PM or three before you head home??...teg
