Monday, February 20, 2012

The Beach Candidates Try to Up Their Pee Dee Credibility..

This is the Pee Dee, and Take It From Us.. If You Ain't Born Here, Don't Bother Claiming to Be OF Here!

     For starters, yes - Chesterfield County is missing.  Take it up with the SC Sierra Club. Then again, Chesterfield counts themselves as a Midlands county. Depends on which situation is better for them. Can't blame 'em, because it ain't easy up in Cheraw...

     Onto the topic.  We've been listening to Uncle Bill Pickle's new radio show. So far, he's had two candidates for the 7th Congressional District seat so far. Both are from Horry County, and the interesting thing is watching both try to lay some type of claim to the Pee Dee.  So far, we have one that hasn't lived here since high school, and the other one has never lived here - but has relatives in the Pee Dee.  It's making us laugh to see candidates try to play connect the dots...

      Yeah, it makes life a lot easier when you have a personal connection to a candidate - well, it's easier for them.  However, you and I and they all know that the Pee Dee and Grand Strand are two distinctly different areas, with different priorities, strengths and weaknesses.  Being on city or county council at the beach is not the same. The Pee Dee doesn't have major tourism, an Atlanta Braves minor league team, two biker rallies, or many of the seasonal and service industries that chug the Myrtle Beach engine.   Meanwhile, Horry County lacks the agricultural, manufacturing and transportation strengths that keep our area running.  It's two different beasts...

     Though we share the same media markets, there is a distinct difference between the two, and a good reason why one area is worried about the other one gaining the representation of the seat.  So far, the Grand Strand has all the candidates, while the Pee Dee's eggs are all in Jay Jordan's basket - at least from the Republican side.  They may be playing it smarter, because the Grand Strand's vote is being split from all directions. This will help Jordan a lot in the first run in June.  However, he has his work cut out in a runoff, if he does get that far...

     People in the Pee Dee are funny.  There is a special place if you were born here - and if you weren't, it doesn't matter how long you have been here - you're not local... Everyone knows it.  It's slowly changing, but the small society of Old Pee Dee money and heritage is still pretty strong.  Not being here or leaving here kinda throws that out the window.  Try as they might, the Horry and Georgetown candidates can pump up their Pee Dee cred - but it deflates when put under the microscope. Trust us - after 15 years here, we've earned respect - but not the love!



  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Mike-this post is systemic of what is going to be a core issue for whomever is our nominee...we cannot afford to have a candidate that is identified with just one region or county. The idea of a Horry GOP nominee or a Pee Dee GOP nominee runs the risk of alienating independent voters in both areas of the 7th.

    Ideally, the perfect candidate (if there is such an animal) is one that 1)has the experience at some governmental level that he/she can hit the ground running in Jan.2013; 2)has a feasible vision of what they can do to positively help the average person in the 7th; 3)has a good firm grasp of what the people of the 7th expect from their Congressional representative.

    But most importantly whomever the GOP nominates to be its Congressional standard-bearer, they need to keep in mind: it’s not about their agenda, it’s about the 7th's agenda; it’s not their money it’s our tax dollars; it’s not about their political future it’s about the personal future of the citizens of the 7th.

    If we have a nominee that can do that, then we have taken the first steps towards correcting a terrible mistake made 20 years ago...teg

  2. TEG it will always be about the Pee Dee to some of you guys. That is why your ship has not come in and never will. You know first hand that the Republicans in Florence cross over on a regular basis and vote for Democrats. You will not find the Demo's doing that. Senator Leatherman is not a Conservative Republican and you see what happens every election. Now he may be a Moderate Republican and I certainly am ok with that. A lot of the Republicans in the Pee Dee would vote for a Democrat simply because they feel that person is from the Pee Dee. Until the Republicans up there realize it ain't about them it will always be that way.
