The Former GOP Candidate's 'War' Against Howard Stern Has Us Gagging As Well....
Back in the good old days, when we were running for office, we never prostituted ourselves for donations. Then again, we never got any either.. Maybe it was because we never did make us stuff to rouse up the voters. Maybe it was because we were running for a seat we couldn't win. Then again, maybe it was because we were the one running. Still, we never made mountains out of molehills , or less, which is why we are sure Michele Bachmann has just started a gun fight with a pea shooter...
Thanks to our good friends at the SCGOP, we get unsolicited e-mail from every campaign running for President. Some of them are fine, most ask for money, and some obviously don't know the first think about yours truly... Michele Bachmann - who is no longer running - would like me to send her cash for her Congressional run back in Minnesooooota. Strike One. We don't send cash for candidates out of our own state. However, the letter struck every wrong chord for us to support her.....ever. Here is the letter:
Earlier this week, notorious shock jock Howard Stern called me "the worst person in the world" during his daily radio show. To conservatives, this message from Howard Stern, a man whose only contribution to our culture was years of corrupting America's youth on public airwaves, was clear: "either abandon your beliefs and agree with me, or be dragged through the mud and demonized on national radio." I don't accept this false choice, and I know you don't either.
While Stern can say anything he wants on satellite radio, his words have an impact on his millions of listeners as well as the people his listeners talk to, which is why I need your help to counteract with our positive message. We must fight back and maintain our focus on what is important.
Like it or not, Howard Stern and his friends in the media elite have powerful platforms, spreading their intolerance of conservatives like you and me to millions of radio listeners every day. To them, there's no such thing as accountability or decency; they'll say or do anything to get what they want, even when it means launching vicious personal attacks and spewing vulgar nonsense. Time and time again, though, we've proven that we won't back down in the face of attacks like these, and we're not about to start today. I'm running for re-election to the United States Congress to continue to fight for our shared values, and I hope you'll support my efforts with an immediate contribution of $25, $50, $100, or any amount up to the legal limit to help fight these vicious attacks within the next 24 hours.
Oh, where to begin on this one... First off, there are far worse things than being called 'the worst person in the world'. If that was it, big frigging deal.. I've been called much worse - and so has she. When your name is most often preceeded by 'Batshit Crazy', I'd consider that worse, but you can't raise money by picking wars with P-Luv or 8000 other bloggers. But Howard Stern? Hell yeah...
Secondly, not once, but twice, she mentions 'staying focused on what's important'... We can't think of a better case of losing your focus by getting involved in a pissing contest with a DJ from 1500 miles away. Yeah, has listeners in Minnesooooota - probably about 50,000. If that many. If every person tried to battle Stern because he said a disparaging comment, she's have to take a number. Bachmann is showing exactly what most of us in the GOP knew - she lacks the spine and judgement to be focused in exactly the way she said she needs.
Third, she did just what we hate - she asked for money. Again... Does anyone in Minnesoooota or anywhere think that Stern's comment will have an effect on her Congressional race? Of course not. She'll cruise to another win, but this won't help. If anything, it'll hurt if she continues to push this stupid battle... This brings us to our last point. She will lose....
We've seen Bachmann in battle. And, we've seen Stern in action for about 17 years, 5 hours a day. She may think he is just a pigheaded pervert, but Bachmann and anyone who doesn't know Stern is in for a major surprise.. Stern is sharp as a knife. He has a pretty firm , centrist grasp on politics and social issues. He's also come closer to winning a major elective office than she did, when he ran as a Libertarian for NY Governor in 1994. The only reason he didn't run was he wasn't willing to disclose his finances.... He is a shrewd businessman who has managed to make over a half billion dollars in a job that pays most people $25,000 a year..
Another disadvantage for Bachmann is you can't fight a guy who has free reign over millions of listeners 25 hours a week (not including reruns) by putting out a few thousand e-mails. She is not equipped financially or mentally to take Stern on - especially over nothing. If she makes more of this, Stern will open up on Bachmann with all guns blazing, until there is nothing left of her but a big, black, smoking hole...
Yeah, it's an easy route to look light you're taking on giants for the sake of raising a few thousand bucks. In reality, Michele Bachmann is fighting windmills... Our advice is for her to quit while she is still behind.
Mike-Obama and the liberal democrats love Bachmann...every time Bachmann opens here mouth the democrats watch the money pour into their coffers...someone please stick another corn dog in her mouth...okay it might take more than one...teg