Friday, February 17, 2012

On the Road in Kingstree With the Candidates ..

7th District Candidate Renee' Culler ... Along With Her 'Campaign Staff'

      Our comeback tour continued on last night, as we made it to the Kingstree Moose Lodge for Williamsburg County GOP's monthly meeting.  It was pretty well attended, with about 50 guests, and the pot roast and rice w/gravy was deelish!  More importantly, it was a stark contrast for me from Monday's meeting in Flotown..

     I guess I can't blame Florence, but since they were freed from being in the 6th District, they have NO interest in their old district.  I was proud to say there was plenty of Clyburn bashing in Kingstree last night. It felt like old times for me.. I did my best to be entertaining , yet brief.  All the details regarding the 6th District Convention were reviewed (April 14 from 9-1, at Lake Marion High in Santee), and Williamsburg seems well-prepared to have a full slate of delegates at the convention...

    Moye Graham also spoke to ask for his selection as a delegate to the National Convention for the District, as he did in 2008.  It's not an easy or cheap endeavor, and Moye has served well in it.  He deserves another trip...   But, not all chatter was about the 6th.

   The main speaker of the night was Renee' Culler, who is running for the US House of Representatives for the new 7th Congressional district.  A native of Carver's Bay, Culler graduated from Pleasant Hill High in Georgetown County, and switched her plans from Law School to Chemistry and earned a BS from the University of South Carolina.  She has worked in the field, specializing in dealing with EPA compliance. Culler says this gives her a real world experience in recognizing which government regulations have stifled business and hurt our economy.

Moye Graham and Renee Culler pose for yours truly....

    As far as her stance on the issues, she is pretty comparable to most of the field: she is Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro Second Amendment, is for the FairTax and identifies herself as a Tea Party supporter.  One issue that she did advocate is for the exploration of oil on the Atlantic shelf off the South Carolina coast.  Culler sees it as an economic and national security issue, given the insecurity in the Middle East.  Whether sun-loving people or the tourism industry in the Palmetto State agree remains to be seen...

    Renee Culler does have her work cut out for her. She has no political experience, which makes it tough in a field of well-oiled politicians with lots of endorsements. But, she has a few things going for her.  She is one of only two female candidates, and with Mande Wilkes being pregnant, she could possibly be the only viable one there. Also, for her, the family is an asset, not a liability.  Her husband, Tony, and their four daughters, aged 7 to 15, make campaigning a family affair.  The girls stunned me. They watched the entire meeting, were patient and attentive, and worked like good soldiers , passing out as many flyers as guests would take.  The best part was one of the younger ones asking for a hug before I left. That was classic....

    Culler's campaign is very reminiscent of my first run - an outsider with a dream, and a plan.  These generally don't have a fairy tale ending, but she's working hard, and maybe she'll catch fire and stun some people.  Time will tell.  To learn more about Renee Culler and her campaign, listen to Bill Pickle's radio show on WJMX 970 AM, and 97.9 FM next week (Thursday, we think) at 900am.  Or if you're busy then, go to her Facebook page Culler For Congress, or her website at



  1. So Mike what is the deal with the picture of me and Ms. Culler? It ain't opening up for some reason. I really want to see that picture so fix it.

  2. I don't know, it must be from your end. It's coming up fine here...

  3. It is coming up to good now.

  4. Mike, Williamsburg County is in the Sixth. She's running in the Seventh. Maybe someone needs to give her a map?

  5. Thanks to Barbara, Mike, Moye, and the Williamsburg County GOP for allowing my family to visit with you Thursday night! We had a wonderful time. Renee'

  6. Earl, it's a common practice. Moye had Mande Wilkes this month, and is likely to have another next month as well...

  7. Mike, it appears you have acquired some of my "friends". Renee'

  8. Anonymous10:18 PM

    With a 51.4% female population, EIGHT (8) men in the US Congress currently representing SC, and two qualified women running/ representing both parties, have pity for the foolish party that nominates a man. Any man.

    The words of Culler.

  9. Is there anyone else that finds it interesting that the bloggard Earl Capps has sought to promote the Culler For Congress campaign in the new 7th district? Renee' Culler has never run for office but yet she has garnered the "wrath" of Earl Capps. It brings to mind three questions:
    Who is his master? (We all know someone is holding his leash. In time we will find out when he is seen beside that candidate.)
    Who is so scared of Renee' Culler's candidacy that they have seen the need to put Capps after her?
    Have you followed the attention over this new candidate and learned more of why Renee' Culler will be South Carolina's FIRST Republican woman from the State of South Carolina to be elected to the United States Congress?
    Thanks Earl for the publicity. (And a special thanks to your master holding your leash. :))

  10. It was nice meeting Renee Culler. Her kids were great. I agree on that Mike. Those are some sweet kids. They will certainly help her.
