Friday, February 10, 2012

Rick Santorum Takes a Page From NASCAR ...

Dale Jr. and Smoke Demonstrate Drafting, Though Not the Political Type

    Listening to POTUS Radio this morning, we heard a term that is common i South Carolina, though not for the same thing: Drafting.  No, it has nothing to do with architecture, and it's not quite the same as in NASCAR - but it's pretty close..

     In the four man GOP Presidential Race, journalist Allen Kelly classified each into three categories... Mitt Romney is still considered in the lead spot, though surely not as solid as he was after Florida and Nevada.  Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul he classified as 'being on their own planets', meaning that neither are focusing daily on whatever issue comes their way, but moreso beating a daily drum of their issues. In short, nevermind what is going on around you, just stick to your game plan.  Kelly termed Rick Santorum as being in 'Full Drafting Mode'....

    So, what exactly is political drafting?  Pretty easy. Just like how in NASCAR, where the second place car pulls right up on the leaders ass, making him do all the work, and waits for a chance to pass while saving energy, Santorum is doing just that... Everything has pretty much been vetted with the candidates, so there will be no smoking guns. So, the only thing that will affect the race is an unforeseen event, such as someone doing or saying something stupid, or an illegitimate kid popping up in Kansas..

    Political Drafting is just that.. Santorum is waiting in behind Romney, lurking and saying all the right things, without being the firebrand that Gingrich has turned into. Meanwhile, he's waiting for that small patch of oil on the track, or for Romney to lose his steering in a turn and go wide. Then, Santorum will make his move, bump Romney, and go for the lead. Politically, of course...

   Sounds just like NASCAR, doesn't it?  Sports is alot like politics, except the combatants aren't old, overweight white guys in suits... But, the game is pretty similar. Will it work? Who knows, but it's all Santorum can do. He may have taken over the mantle of Conservative Alternative, and that will get him closer to overtaking Romney. However, there is another NASCAR saying that applies here as well: catching is one thing, passing is another thing....


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