Monday, February 06, 2012

Romney Gets an Expected Big Win In Nevada ...

Mitt Lasso's Another Victory In Sin City, And the Rest of the State..

     There haven't been too many races where we knew who was going to win decidedly thus far in the GOP race.. Well, Nevada was definitely one of them.  In a huge snoozer of a battle, Mitt Romney won exactly 50% of the vote, more than twice Newt Gingrich's 21.1%, who bested third place Ron Paul at 18.9%. Rick Santorum, who was not well suited for the Mormon-Gambling Nevada crowd, finished last at 9.9%...

     Next up for the candidates are caucuses in Minnesota and Colorado tomorrow... Hopefully, they will go smoother than the Nevada and Iowa caucuses went.  Nevada took over a day to post the final results, which made the kids in the Ron Paul camp think there was a conspiracy to cost them second place. They're 0-5 so far, but they'll keep claiming victories with third place finishes... More power to 'em. Anyway, we're starting to think that the caucus system is becoming a gigantic joke here. 

    First, Iowa takes all night to declare a winner, then they reverse it weeks later, and admit votes were missing.. Now Nevada is getting laughed at.  The pressure is on Colorado and Minnesota first and foremost, to NOT screw up...  Then, it's who wins.  Word is, Rick Santorum could be leading in these states. He needs to pull something out here, because he can't keep finishing fourth before the Right puts more pressure on him to drop out, and leave Gingrich as the sole competition.  No, caucuses aren't real indicators of a candidates popularity or ability to win, but it is what it is...

     What we do know is if Mitt Romney takes both Minnesota and Colorado, the rest of the field is in real big trouble - Santorum first, then Gingrich. Paul is Paul is Paul.  He's fighting for influence, not the nomination.  We'll find out tomorrow night how it goes - unless it takes them a day or two to figure it out. Or if they realize they miscounted...


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