Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The SC7 Leadership Battle Gets Underway !!!

It's the Old Dogs vs. the Young Dogs in the Race to Be 7th Congressional District Chairman and Vice-Chairman... But WHERE Is The Beach?

   Around here, there is a lot of excitement about having our own congressional district.  You'd be too if you were pegged under Jim Clyburn's thumb for the past 20 years - or had him stomping your face in the dirt, you choose the metaphor...  While most of the focus is on who is running for the seat (as it should be), there is a certain amount of importance placed on the party seats related to the District.  While there has been some speculation on who will be gunning for the unpaid seats, which carry only ad-hoc voting rights, the field seems to be finally taking shape...

    First, the bad news.  NO, I will not be running for anything.  My home, like most in Florence, changed from the 6th to the 7th, but we'll be sitting out the 7th Convention, with the exception of covering it from the blog.  As for the 6th, that may be a different story, but we'll see...  The field is not set yet, but the are officially 2 candidates for Chair and Vice-Chairman - and they're all from Florence County!

    It's a battle of the Old Guard and The Young Guns in both battles... Current 6th District Chair Tom Grimes, who has held District positions for the past 14 years, will make the switch to the 7th District.  So far, the only challenger for Grimy is Florence County GOP Treasurer and former County Council candidate Elijah Jones.  In the Vice-Chair race, former Florence County GOP Chair Tommy Phillips will be running against former Johnsonville City Councilman and 2010 Mayoral candidate Brad Richardson, who announced yesterday.  While there could be others, we have one question first: Is anyone from Horry or Georgetown running????

    So far, we haven't heard of anyone running for sure. Perhaps they will pull candidates on the convention floor, but we'd advise against that... All four are criss-crossing the District, lining up endorsements.  The original word was that current Horry County Chair Johnnie Bellamy was interested in the gig, but word came from Columbia that she needed to focus on her own county.  True or not?  Who knows, but it does make sense... 

    The Vice-Chair hubbub has been pretty quiet. If anyone is running, let us know.  The Beach is missing a golden opportunity.. Getting a majority of votes in a one-to-one battle will always favor the beach. Make it a two-to-one, and Horry should breeze to victory. If they choose not to run anyone, that's fine with us!

   If the race does end with just the four candidates, it will still be interesting to us...  Each have their strengths and weaknesses, but more interesting, it's a rematch of the famous 2008 battle where Phillips and his wife, Executive Committeeperson Shelby Phillips, were wiped out completely.  Tom Grimes ,myself and another who shall remain anonymous were the only ones to vote for them. That was my famous 'coup' post, which started a firestorm of threats to Tom and me, where 'they'd get our jobs'... It was all pretty interesting, and we've forgiven the threats.

    Where the Tommy's strength is their knowledge and experience, Jones and Richardson are workers, who will have the backing of the old Pee Dee Republicans, who are now most of the leadership in Florence County.  Richardson already has a Facebook page up, and it's a good example of their enthusiasm - and their use of bad judgement and overzealousness. I'm sure Brad didn't start the page, but he needs to keep an eye on it. Here's an example of why....

    I got a message stating that I joined Brad Richardson's page.  I like Brad, and he would be a fine Vice-Chair, but I'm sitting this race out. I didn't join the page, so I checked to see how I got on it. Not to my surprise, I see I was ADDED to the list by Stephanie Rawlinson - along with FOUR candidates running for the Congressional seat, four members of Florence County and City government and six elected members or candidates of state government.  It's up there to make it appear that this is the base that Brad's built up in 24 hours, which we know is unfortunately not true.  Ever see Hugh Leatherman, Andre Bauer and Kris Crawford endorse anyone in an internal party race?  We find it pretty impossible, and we know at least one person on that list didn't endorse Brad. Us...

    It's classic Stephanie.  She's like a bull in a china shop. Rather than doing it slowly, and honestly accumulating supporters, she goes half-cocked, and makes it look like everyone in South Carolina has endorsed Brad.  Yeah, we're going to hear a pile on anonymous criticism for this. We're used to it.  If Elijah and Brad win, we're fine. They're both good Republicans. But, if you look at this objectively, the tactic is dishonest.  Then again, if anyone from Horry gets in, it may all be irrelevant....



  1. Jones' resume is terribly flimsy, while Tommy has been out there in the field around the region for years. A District Chair can be a valuable connection between the county parties and the state party, as well as between the counties and other GOP groups within the district.

    Jones is not a bad guy, but this office is way above his experience. If he was smart, he'd focus on the office he has, distinguish himself in local roles and prove he can do something. A one-term lower office holder who got his clock cleaned running for a GOP-leaning Council district is just not ready for prime time.

    Jones hasn't been involved in politics for long. I've seen a lot of people come and leave after 2-3 years, abandoning their offices when they decide it's not fun anymore. Thus he needs to show that 1) he's qualified and 2) he has a long-term committment to the party.

    Stick with Tommy or someone else who has a long track record of involvement in the party. If you want to keep the Dems from getting any traction in that race, you're going to need an experienced District Chair to help. Picking a guy who blew a GOP district in a prime GOP year ain't gonna get good results.

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    We know it wasn't Parham. Clements was known as the weakest solicitor in South Carolina and he won in a walk. No wonder Republicans in Marion County can't stand that Mickey Mouse "Pee Dee" group.

  3. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I take it this is NOT where one goes to sign up for the Stephanie Rawlinson Fan Club?

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    And so now begins the 2nd War of the Pee Dee Republicans

  5. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Does this count the war they launched in the fall of 2010? Let's count their winners ... Parham? Nope. Jones? Nope. Richardson? Nope. Zero for three. With that kind of a record, who in the world would take these jokers seriously? Oh that's right, nobody outside of their circle does.

  6. I can feel the love around here today. Once y'all are done fighting, be sure to clean up after yourselves.

  7. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Brad Richardson for 1st Vice Chair of the new 7th Cong. District? Didn't he resign his 3rd Vice Chair for the Flo Cty GOP, sighting that he didn't have time to serve. If he can't serve one county how can he serve eight counties. Phillips was the Chairman of the Flo. Cty GOP for almost 8 years. Looks like Phillips has the time to do the job right.

  8. Hey Anonymous,
    Grow some balls and put your name by what you write. As for those you are besmirching, Stephanie Rawlinson has forgotten more about GOP politics in SC than you will ever know. Brad Richardson is an experience public servant whose resignation as FCGOP 3rd Vice had nothing to do with "time". Know what your saying before you write about it. Then, when you do write about it, grow a pair and put your name by it.

    Ethan Rivera
    3rd Vice Chair, FCGOP

  9. Moye Graham5:37 PM

    I just got in from South America like an hour ago. The first blog I check out in almost ten days and I find you guys at it. Might be a good thing. Mike is telling it like it is in one case and that is if the Coast gets involved then Adious Pee Dee. The only comment I will have maybe not is I like Tommy Grimes a lot. He has done a great job in the 6th. 15 counties and Mr. Grimes has made every one of them and is a county meetings every month somewhere besides Florence. That is a hard thing and an expensive thing to do. While the Candidate running against him I really do not know but I am sure he is a good Republican but can he say he will be as concerned with all the counties in your new district. The vice chair job well they are both good Republicans also. Hell I love Brad's pants. I do not know if you can go wrong in either of them just saying as I do not have a vote but I know this. If I did you would have a Chairman Grimes to lead the 7th for the first time. Remember one more thing. While you made be an ad hoc member of the SCGOP Executive Committee you do not have a vote. Chairman Grimes makes all of the Executive Committee meetings and you can usually find Mr. Tommy Phillips there as well. Consider that when you vote in April.

  10. Anonymous6:27 PM

    After the election in November you will be calling this District the Grand Strand.

  11. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Whether the peedee repulicans are behind this or not florence will not be the center of the 7th. The beach will be home of our congressman,chair and vicechair. If it wasnt for horry county there wouldnt be a 7th remember that!!

  12. Anon 7.49, you're probably right. The single biggest bloc of GOP delegates will come from east of the Little Pee Dee, making the Florence game a moot point.

  13. Anonymous12:08 AM

    The only way anybody from a county other than Horry will win at the convention is the people of Horry to decide to let them or if a candidate has a coalition. Grimes is the only candidate that can pull it off from Florence. Horry will rule the 7th in all matters. The rest will eat their own.

  14. That's what was so cute about all of them clamoring so much to be part of the new 7th. Anyone who could read a map could see that as far as Republicans go, it was gonna be a Horry-centric district. But they never could whip Clyburn in the 6th, so they tapped out. Partisan-ship aside, they bailed on representation by someone in DC with power, for being the red-headed stepchild of a freshman Congressman who will have no juice and what little he can do he will have to do for Horry to ensure re-election. Practically speaking, it's embracing irrelevancy...

  15. Rick Standish7:28 AM

    Ethan, Brad may be a nice guy, but come on, Stephanie's track record stinks and it's not getting any better. She's becoming the kiss of political death for Republicans in her region. Also, she went around proclaiming herself to be Ken Ard's campaign manager but when reporters confronted her, she said she was only his scheduler.

    You're a smart guy and people out there like you. Don't get taken in too much by Stephanie. She is way out of her league and doesn't much care who pays the price for her lack of ability, experience or willingness to work with people. The notion of her trying to shove a slate picked just from her small circle through at the district is drawing lots of laughter and has made enemies in Myrtle Beach. She'll hear from them at the district convention, but it won't be the first wake-up call that she'll disregard.

    Don't get caught in the undertow.

  16. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Here's why I cant support Tom Grimes and it can be summed up in one reason--Jim Clyburn! If Grimes had been as great of a Chairman as some want to claim he would have recruited a better candidate that would have beaten Clyburn. If he had all this infuluence, he would have gotten the state party to fund a GOP candidate and he didnt.

    Personally I dont like Grimes. I dont think hes much of a Republican and what I know of his personal history and his family I like even less. Let me ask you this how many people go to law school and dont practice law?? Ask him about that? Ask him about his family that should be enough.

  17. Anon 956 not taking up for Chairman Grimes but what the hell are you smoking. To think anybody could had beaten Clyburn in the 6th you have to be on something. In fact if you really believe that can happen then you do not know diddly about politics and should just keep your mouth shut when it comes to that.

  18. Sorry for not posting during all the fun, as I was traveling out of state.. Anon 956, I'll put it kinder than Moye has here. Getting a very strong candidate in the 6th is almost impossible.. The numbers just simply don't add up for either a good candidate or the party to invest in running. I was there myself in 2004, when I asked Katon Dawson to help out. He passed, and I was pretty ticked initially, but in hindsight, he was right, and I respected it. Beating Clyburn is impossible. I never expected to win, but I wanted to see what a decent person with a solid, actual plan could do in a debate, and to see if the African-American community would listen.. That's not Tom's or my fault, and it won't be Bill Connor's either when he takes over the 6th...

    I'd prefer to hear more of why each is a good candidate, but it often goes this way. Personally, none of the candidate's families are running, so all the side stuff isn't very constructive. But, i agree with P-Luv that if and when Horry decides who they want, they have an open path to the positions, barring a solid endorsement campaign by any of the Pee Dee candidates...

  19. Anon 956, your lack of balls is proven by making personal swipes anonymously. Your lack of political knowledge is proven by claiming Clyburn could have been beat.

    To date, no Republican has gotten more than 38% in that district. If you knew your head from your ass, you'd know that.

    I just LOVE when the retards go trolling for attention.

  20. I like the Florence GOP. Bill Pickle and Stephanie Rawlinson has made their mark as far as County Parties are concerned. They have done a great job in getting Candidates to come to the area that they are involved and Bill and Stephanie works hard for their local party. Bill is all over the place. Stephanie always has something going on within the party. Like I said before if there was an award for most improved SC County Party I would vote for Florence because I know how it was. I have said sure they have had growing pains. I wish we had the opportunity with Demographics that Florence have. Do I approve of all I see? No but it ain't my local party. Being a Republican in Clarendon is one tough thing to do. We know the hand we are dealt with and that is what we have to play with.

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hey Tommy Grimes you could anything to say about this or not?

  22. Mike hits it on the head, the numbers weren't there to beat Clyburn. And BTW...The numbers weren't there b/c the Republican Party in this state decided it was better to pack as much of the black vote as possible into one district, then to have significant black vote in other districts. Lee Atwater and Karl Rove could have been running the old 6th for you and they couldn't have beat Clyburn.

    As the new 7th stands, a moderate Democrat from the Pee Dee stands a better shot at winning than a Republican from the Pee Dee. Having said that, I wish my friend Jay Jordan all the best, but I don't think he will get the nomination.

  23. I'm sure Tom will have something to say soon. Like most of you, he checks up on Sundays or Monday am... P-Luv, I think Jay's chances are like the leadership candidates.. He's the only GOP candidate in the Pee Dee, so he could get to the runoff that is sure to come. Then he has a problem. I did listen to him on Bill's show, and I must admit, I wasn't impressed... I disagreed with him on a few issues, and I thought he skirted around most questions - like a politician. I have told a couple friends if anyone would be familiar with him, it would be you! We'll chat eventually...

  24. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Hey Grimes you got anything to say or do you want to leave your fight up to someone else.

  25. No offense to Mike and his attempt at the seat a few years back, but Jim Pratt was the best candidate since John Chase to go up against Clyburn, and he did so ion a very pro- GOP environment, and he still got beat 2:1. Unless he had a magic wand and was holding out on us, I really don't see what Tom Grimes could have done to beat Clyburn. It just wasn't there. That's why we wanted out. I'd rather be second fiddle in a district that will elect a decent Republican than to be the outcast in a district that puts someone like Clyburn in there.

  26. Ethan well said. That District the 6th is even stronger now than the last time.

  27. No offense taken, Ethan. There were plenty of shortfalls to my run in 2004... But, I did manage to be a very big thorn in his side for a little while there. Nothing better than discussing Social Security with 2 congressmen, and leaving them both speechless at their own forum!

  28. Anonymous6:36 PM

    The only thing Grimes has going for him are The Four Horsemen and they cannot help him here. Grimes, Graham, Capps and Reino will go down. They have met their match.

  29. You dare doubt the power of the Four Horsemen, my pesky, anonymous friend ???!!!! I personally have made Presidents beg for mercy and cabinet members cower like little children!!!! OK, maybe not.... You're probably right, Tommy has his work cut out and he knows it. Moye probably would have the most influence, and Earl knows a lot of people, but neither one has a dog in this fight. I on the other hand, haven't ever even tried to change someone's mind that I can think of.. Still, it is Myrtle's spot to lose. We're all justb waiting to see who it is..

  30. Ethan, well said. It's a shame we couldn't liberate everyone from the clutches of Clyburn. A lot of people are bitter about redistricting, but few of them understand anything about it.

    Anon, I'm going down? Huh? Seriously dude, get a grip. Must be one of those Nancy Harrelson supporters who still hate me for helping torpedo her candidacy in 2010.

  31. Just for clarification anon... Doesn't a Jew, a Catholic, a Baptist, a wannabe and a whatever add up to five???? And who exactly is it we are saying things about? Lastly, which one am I - the Catholic, the Wannabe or the Whatever. You are right - maybe I should have stayed married and tortured my ex and raised kids in an unhappy home 'to save face'.. If that's the best you have is I got amicably divorced, you need to do your homework!

  32. Mike, Ol' Gutless can't count either. Why is it that I'm not surprised?

    I swear, the quality of the retards who troll around and post anonymous drivel keeps heading downhill. What's funny is that if this little chickenshit had anything, he/she/it would have put it out there to make sure we went down.

    One should never bluff. Throw your punch and be done with it - and hope the person you hit doesn't get off the floor because once you've thrown your shot, you've done all the damage you can do and it's their turn.

  33. I was just wondering if being married for six weeks and having twins during that time counts.

  34. Anonymous3:30 PM

    My red tie is shiny.

  35. I hear voices in my head.

  36. Anonymous6:18 PM

    That statement just proves that you guys are not taking life serious. I hope the man has mercy on you and that you change your way. To admit to having kids in a six week marriage is sinful mg. I will pray for you.

  37. I LOVE to see people bash people in the manner you have here (BTW, you forgot to look down on Muslims and Mormons and every other non-Protestant sect that isn't yours, which I guess is 'The Right One' in God's eyes), then piously offer to 'pray' for someone...

    Moye doesn't need your prayers. Those kids you so arrogantly imply as bastards are the centerpiece of his life. Trust me, no one loves, cares for or is more proud of his children than him.. Last time I checked, God forgives us all for the mistakes we make (yes, even you and me), so keeping a scorecard of the errors made in life of others is probably the most UNCHRISTIAN thing I can think of...

    We all take life seriously - we just don't take condescending idiots like you seriously. I made one criticism on this post, which no one has denied or contested as being blatantly wrong and dishonest, and you guys go back to personal attacks.

    I have gotten a couple comments accusing people involved here with the very wrongs that you're looking down on. However, I didn't post them, beause it has nothing to do with the discussion. Does it make me a better person than you? You bet. I just don't feel the need to tell most of you how much more of an honest and smarter person I am. I just tolerate people like you, and continue on...

  38. Anonymous8:05 PM

    my blue tie is shiny

  39. Anonymous8:11 PM

    post them bad boys

  40. Anonymous9:59 PM

    The voices in my head wear ties and are shiny.

  41. You'll have to explain that to me sometime, but it seems like you change your ties a lot!

    BTW, nope - I'm not posting it. Sorry!!

  42. Anonymous7:27 AM


  43. Anonymous8:46 AM

    My white tie is shiny.

  44. Going with the monochromatic look today, eh Anon? At least I hope, because a white tie doesn't go with anything except a white shirt! Thanks for providing a laugh in the midst of this stupidity...

  45. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Head on over to Belk for the latest styles and shiny ties.

  46. Why is it every step of the way to success has to be littered with BS(bad stuff)? A lot of people from all over the Pee Dee Region put a lot of time, sweat, tears and money in fighting to get the Great Pee Dee back into the New 7th Congressional District.

    I have heard so many people showing so much insecurity and wearing their fears of loosing control on their shoulders it is ridiculous.

    I see Tea Party and GOP cat and dog fights. WHY? Don't we have the same goals... To unify our conservative base and beat the heck out of the flaming liberals in the State House and Washington? Don't we want to see the end of Barack Obama?

    I see good people running for offices that will help shape the future of the new 7th. I know all of of them and like everyone of them.

    Personally, I am not going to endorse or campaign for any of them. However, I will tell you who I am going to vote for in each of the races...

    Chairman, the one who I feel will be able to pull the district together as one body. I don't care if that person is from the beach area or the cotton fields in Marlboro County. I want a person who is able and willing to communicate with everyone. A leader who can inspire us to work as a unit and continue the teamwork we saw during the redistricting effort.

    I want someone who is more concerned about the DISTRICT instead of his/her own county. Folk's this is about the DISTRICT!

    We have a chance to show the Statehouse and the State that we, the 7th District, are part of this State and we are not going to let you forget us.

    I also have heard trash talk about me recruiting and supporting a specific candidate for the 7th Chair. That too is BS. Yes, I was asked if Elijah Jones should run for the seat. Of course I said yes. I will tell anyone who has the conviction and desire to take a leadership role to go for it.

    If there is anyone else out there interested in running, GO FOR IT!

    The same goes for the 1st Chair. If anyone wants it, go for it.

    But before you throw your hat in the ring, be sure you have the temperament, are doing it for the right reasons, you are not doing it for a power grab or out of pure hatefulness.

    As far as the trash talk. Folks, we don't need it. All of this trash talk has been condemned by everyone of you in the Presidential Race. So what are you doing, bringing it home?

    One other thing, Mike. You must be invited to join a facebook group. You have to be added. Stephanie, and anyone else reading this, if there's a group that you feel I will honestly be interested in and can gain an insight into what is happening in political arenas of interest, please feel free to add me. I like to know what's going on with my friends and my competitors.

  47. Well I just finally settled for a couple of days and I did want to wait and see what other cheap shot would be fired. Thanks for the kind words Mike and you to Earl. Seems this Troll may know us all. Imagine that. Right who does not know the Four Horsemen. Wonder how close this person is say to the Pee Dee Proper. I would hope that every Daddy out there could have a relationship with their kids like I do and the grand kids as well. I take such stuff with a grain of salt. If you cannot have fun with your mistakes then you really are taking life to serious. As far as the prayers I will still take them. So we four is a motley crew a Jew a Catholic a Baptist and a what I believe they he she said. If we only had this much diversity in the GOP we would not be worried about Obama getting reelected or a moderate Democrat winning the new SC 7th District for Congress. I do not care who I piss off. Tommy Grimes will be the best choice for Chairman of the 7th GOP. As far as the Vice Chair it is a toss up. As far as the Congressional nomination goes I do have a favorite and you that know me well know who that is. I kind of wish we had ended up in the 7th but Clarendon did not. We can deal with it and we will. Do I think Horry County will be the leader in the 7th. Hell yes I ain't stupid. Do I think Florence will eat their own. Hell yes I ain't stupid. They have done it before what makes you believe they want again. Do I think the people in Florence knows the different between a Democrat and a Republican. That is left to be proven. I have talked to a lot of Florence people and they are or seem more interested in electing people from Florence than what party they belong to. We have a similar problem but it has more to do with Race I am sad to say. Williamsburg has the same problem. Time will tell. By the way my tie is grey today and it ain't shiny.

  48. Well said Bill Pickle.

  49. Bill, since you are the first person to question me on my only critique of the entire post, here is my correct reasoning despite the 'you gotta be added' excuse... In the first 20 minutes of opening the page, about 51 people were 'added', of which I was one. Approximately 17 others were elected officials and county chairs. Considering all the members of the GOP in the 8 counties and their related groups, does the concentration NOT seem a bit eschewed towards those with higher standing. When you add people, it goes alphabetically, and you just add them all... In short, the members added were chosen with a specific purpose in mind. Note Senator Leatherman is now gone...

    Since we don't know each other that well, I won't make any assumptions about you, but I will tell you one thing about me that they haven't - I am much smarter than they are, and I catch pretty much everything they try to get away with if I am close enough.

    I made one correct criticism, and that is all. I didn't endorse or deny any of the candidates, because I know and like all of them. If people can't take one critique, they need thicker skin. I take plenty of it, and lots of it is merited. I am not running again because I KNOW I didn't earn a second term, and I can deal with it.

    I would have much preferred a 'yeah, that was wrong, but this is why I like Brad and Elijah'. Instead, i got pious judgements from anonymous morons. I feel sorry for you in having to deal with these idiots so much...

    In the end, it'll all come together, and i know I will support whoever wins, just like I did 4 years ago at the county convention. I am the least of your problems..

  50. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I love it when a plan comes together

  51. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Bill wrote "Chairman, the one who I feel will be able to pull the district together as one body. I don't care if that person is from the beach area or the cotton fields in Marlboro County. I want a person who is able and willing to communicate with everyone. A leader who can inspire us to work as a unit and continue the teamwork we saw during the redistricting effort. "

    By Bill's standard, Elijah Jones is disqualified pretty quickly.

  52. Be nice, anon 345.. we're almost done here!

  53. My ties are mostly not shiny and they're in my closet on hangers. Does that mean I can't play?

  54. We are not done. My tie tonight at dinner was green.

  55. Mike where are you? I am in Philadelphia but next week I will be on Staten Island at the Hilton Garden Inn about 5 miles from Newark airport.

  56. Oh Boy.....FaceBook Wars.
    As an officer of the FCGOP,when asked, Stephanie set up a Face book Group page for Brad. She has selflessly helped lots of Republican candidates(who ask for help) over the last few years.

    Okay you are either with us or against us....The FCGOP is determined to build a powerful republican organization, but it is not about us ....we have a country to save. So if any of you posting here are actually republicans living in the NEW SC7 please contact the FCGOP and get involved.

    Now Tom. I know you are following one in the party talked Elijah Jones into running for the 7th chairman, so please stop telling folks that. He made that decision on his own. That is his right. The delegates will decide who the chairman will be. If you would like me to prepare you a facebook group page I would be happy to do that for you..but you will have to ask Tom. (Although I am sure Mike could have done that for you as well but that would not have brought out that faithful follower of yours, Anony Moose to fire away at the 1st vice chair.)

    You know Stephanie must be doing something right because everytime I look up the drones are taking aim at her..

    Betty Dowling, FCGOP 2nd Vice

  57. Betty, as usual, a mostly positive, unbiased piece I wrote ended up going down the smear toilet. In hindsight, I probably should have added a sentence or two commending Stephanie for all her strengths, and the overall good job she does for the party. Honestly, I didn't think it was needed, because she already knows that. I didn't expect all of you to get riled up over one critique that, in my defense, no one has sucessfully explained...

    I don't really appreciate the 'with us or against us' remark. We are all together in the end game, but if running for office versus someone you prefer is against you, that's not our problem. If having to occasionally point out mistakes is against you, that's not our problem..

    Stephanie and I chatted briefly on Facebook last night, and we both seemed to be having un with the whole brushup, though that conversation seems to have disappeared..

    I can only speak for myself, so here is what I would like you guys to understand. I only point out mistakes, so if I'm not bringing up anything, assume you all have my approval and support on whatever you're doing. I'm not a cheerleader or a Pep Talk Coach. I view my job as the Conscience of the Party - the part where deception or unfair tactics are being used in internal party matters. Do whatever you like against the Democrats, but I felt the way the Pee Dee Republicans were set up was disingeuous, and I thought the people added to Brad's page was less than correct as well. I don't make phones calls - I blog, and if you want to know what I think, that's where you'll find it. Everything else has been fine.

    Tommy hasn't chosen to make a Facebook page yet, but we'll see. Also, I am out of state for a couple weeks, so I will miss the next meeting. Didn't want anyone to think I was ducking the meeting. I had business up here, and then I have a 9 year old's birthday that I promised to make if I could. See, I'm not THAT bad - although I spent 2 hours trying to find what I wrote that ticked off Renee Woodberry so bad!

  58. On another note, we are now at 61 comments (I couldn't post one - too negative and destructive even for SC6!). Two more, and we tie our alltime high.... Any more comments about shiny ties or Vinegar-based BBQ???

  59. My shiny tie, which is negative and about to self-destruct is made of Vinegar-based BBQ.

  60. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Earl I have seen you in a tie and I have seen you eating vinegar based bbq but a tie made of that would be perfect for you

  61. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I hear a voice in my head and it is saying do not trust any of them

  62. Anonymous7:33 AM

    my shiny tie is black

  63. Anonymous7:35 AM

    i love plain toast no butter no jelly like a man should dry

  64. Anonymous9:00 AM

    who is this woman that calls herself Betty?

  65. Betty is the 2nd Vice Chair of the Florence County GOP. She used to be on the Timmonsville School Board, and ran for Florence County Council in 2008. I haven't memorized the rest of her resume!

  66. Just so you know I am fixing to go to Coopers and get me some Williamsburg BBQ. Just got home. I thought you had another post that had more comments?

  67. That sounds good, Moye. No, the highest previously was 62 coments, when I said the Senate GOP would be better off not attacking Sonia Sotomayor too tough for SCOTUS in 2009.. That set off a few angry and apparently racist people.. This one seems to have finally calmed down. Bullgate is almost finished! This is number 70..

  68. Anonymous2:18 PM

    what tie t shirt baby

  69. How about topless?

  70. Uhh, Earl... Guys wear t-shirts too. From what I know, Miss June is my only female reader, so the odds of that being a woman are slim to none!

  71. How about something serious & bipartisan: Moye...what on earth happened to the Tater Creek Bar & Grill? No more Waynes?!?! Say it ain't so. This is a terrible loss to lovers of greasy short order food and drunken karaoke everywhere...

  72. Bi-Partisan, P-Luv ?? Are you telling Democrats don't wear shiny ties and eat Vinegar-based BBQ ??? Hey pal, it's my blog, and I'll dictate the direction the conversation goes - just I did so well here!!

    I shoulda blocked this post, but we're up to 75, so I'll keep it going.

  73. My ties are opposite of me (conservative) and there is no reason to refer to BBQ as vinegar-based for a Pee Dee boy. That's just being redundant.

  74. As far as the BBQ, I thought so too, P-Luv. Until I went to Rogers last week for that fundraiser, and it was - GASP !!!! - KETCHUP-based! That base is my 4th favorite, behind Vinegar, Mustard and Dog Shit....

  75. Pluvlaw The Tator is gone. Seen Wayne last weekend at Palms. See Ros the last owner of Tator before it burned two weeks ago. Not sure if he is going to rebuild or not. Lot of folks heading to Lake Vue by boat near Wyboo or coming over to Palms. The Palms held a fundraiser last weekend along with The Players Course Golf and raised over 5000.00 for the employess left without a job.

  76. Anonymous5:49 PM

    My tie is brown and shiny

  77. Anonymous8:09 PM

    my tie is yellow and shiny

  78. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I just bought a new tie at Belk in Florence. Going to wear it at the 7th Congressional District Convention. My good luck tie I hope.

  79. Just so I know who to look for, what color tie is it? Personally, will be wearing a silver chiffon dress w/ a red rose in my hair.. I like to get dressed up for the big occasions!

  80. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Green with brown stripes. Very nice. Catch me if you can.
