Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thank Heaven for Small Victories ....

Mitt Pulls Out a Couple Squeakers in Maine, and at CPAC...

     Mitt Romney slightly 'righted' his ship on Saturday, with a pair of small wins.. Not much seems to have changed with Romney - either with his message or his poll numbers.  He took Maine with 39 percent, sneaking past Ron Paul by 3 points. That almost matched his win at the CPAC Conference Straw Poll in DC, where he bested Rick Santorum by 7 points...

    The CPAC win was more of a surprise, but as we said, Straw Polls don't really mean jack shit... The win in Maine was a mixed bag.  Yeah he won, but a 3 pt win near your home state isn't anything to brag about. On the good side, Romney hasn't fared too well in caucuses or Straw Polls, so at least he claim victory on that part.. The best way to put it is he's gotten control of the rudder on his political ship - but it's shaking all the while...

   Santorum never tried in Maine, so his third place finish wasn't a big deal. We thought he was going to cruise at CPAC, so we're not 100% sold that he can overtake Romney overall yet.  Still, it's state-by-state , but Santorum needs to build his organization and raise more money. It's a tough road ahead, but not impossible...

    With every race, Ron Paul and especially Newt Gingrich become less important.  Paul is still picking and choosing races, which will give him a few delegates to powerbroker at a possible floor nomination in Tampa.  Gingrich has been dead since his South Carolina win, and is in serious trouble. No one seems to be listening anymore....

    No, neither win was a big one for Romney, but a win is a win is a win... Hell, it's better than losing , right? George Will had a good quote this morning - the leading candidate's last name is Romney, but his first name is Not... That's still holding true, and the longer it holds out, the more likely we have a brokered convention on the floor in Tampa..


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