Friday, February 17, 2012

They Build Planes in South Carolina Too, Don't They?

Barack Obama Hits the Road To Celebrate Boeing's Big Contract.... By Visiting Where the Union Members Are.

     Another day, another little slap in the face for South Carolina... President Obama is on the West Coast this week, doing the political two-step that candidates do: That is, he's stopping at all the ordinary people spots in the day, touting he's working for the little man, then going out at night to private residences at $35,000 per plate fundraisers. Such is the nature of the beast, and no - you can NEVER raise enough money...

    The good news is that the economy is showing signs of a steady pick up, and one of them was Boeing's announcing that they just received the largest jet order in history from Lion Air - approximately 232 jets. Yowza!  While we're sure this is excellent news for Charleston's 787 Dreamliner Plant, it seems to us that Obama took a bit of opportunity to make some peace with us, and instead, stuck his thumb in the Palmetto State's eye...

     Yeah, he was on the coast, and the announcement was made right before he got there... But, these things are usually set up well in advance, so we're thinking the whole thing was timed that way.  Maybe we are too suspicious, but it sure looks that way....

     It really would have been a nice olive branch after the whole Boeing SC - NLRB debacle for Obama to pit stop in Chucktown, and mend some fences.  No, it would never get SC to turn for Obama in November, but if he's planning on winning in November, he's still gotta work with us. So far, it's not happening.  Instead, he hopskotched straight to Washington State and thanked them.  Doing nothing would have been a better move...

   Making speeches at certain times and places for political effect goes back as far as there have been candidates.. Abraham Lincoln was a master at it.  Barack Obama tries to do the same, but he's not saving a split Union.  He's making enemies of people with valid concerns - and he's raising a lot more cash than Lincoln did.  Every location and word of every speech is planned for maximum effect. It basically says for him what he can't outright say - but some of us get it.  So much for Olive Branches....


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