Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When In Doubt on Primary Day, Go With The Rock Star....

The First Problem For Republicans Is Which Rock Star Do You Go With - Dave Mustaine or Kid Rock?  The Second Problem Is Most Don't Know Either of Them....

      Rather than being serious and telling the truth about politics, which only seems to tick people off, we're going to go with our specialty: the goofy side of politics.  With today's Michigan and Arizona primaries firmly at front and center, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are sweating out if either of them can clearly claim lead dog status in the GOP Presidential race.  When it's tight like this, you pull out the big guns.  No, we don't mean Governors, Ex-Presidential candidates or political commentators - we mean ROCK STARS, BABY !!!!

     Since Jay-Z, P-Diddy, The Black Eyed Peas and Lady Gaga all seem entrenched in Barack Obama's camp, you have to the second tier - you know, musicians that actually play instruments.  No, major country stars won't quite do this time... The GOP needs to get LOUD!  Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum got what they needed, even if they didn't both ask for it...

     Just in time for Michigan, Romney was able to coax Eminem - sorry, we're just kidding.  Actually, he got Michigan's own Kid Rock (aka Romeo native Bob Ritchie) to both endorse him, and sing his hit  , 'Born Free' at a Romney rally in Royal Oak today.  Yeah, a while ago, it may have seemed odd for a guy mistaken for Guy Smiley from the Muppet Show to be onstage with a rocker known as much for banging Porn Stars and getting into fights at the Waffle House as for singing, but times change.  Our guess is all that listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd and working in Nashville finally converted Kid...

    Not to be outdone, and likely not by his own choice, was Rick Santorum's pick as The Man by none other than Dave Mustaine of Megadeth...  On the surface, it seems like a match made in Hell, literally.  But, Mustaine has long been into politics, and he's much more intelligent and thoughtful than your average mid-80's Heavy Metal guitarist.  Back in 1992, he was the first correspondent at MTV's original 'Choose or Lose' coverage of the GOP Convention, so he does have semblance of political knowledge.  We know Earl must be torn, knowing that one of his favorite musicians isn't going with Romney, but hey, Mustaine did write the line 'acting like a robot' in Symphony of Destruction.  To play on one of his albums, Mitt Sells, But Dave Ain't Buying... Is Rick Santorum all agog over the endorsement? Uhhh, no comment..

    Hopefully, this will help those of you who still have to vote in the Primaries.  We always advise you to choose wisely. If you still aren't sure, watch these videos, and see if that helps....




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