Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cartoons of the Week .....

      Sorry for the delay in getting posts out today... Allergy Season has gotten a pretty nice hold on us the last few days.  One minute, we feel fine, the next minute not so much.  We went to Manning to meet up with a couple Horsemen and decide how to rule the Universe for the next year, then flopped on the couch and popped a Benadryl.  Too bad I got a text from Ms. X saying she was around the corner - so we went out... and got a little tipsy.  Needless to say, we're behind schedule today. No big deal, there isn't much to discuss today anyway....

     The cartoons were a little better than the news was this week.. It's March Madness week, and we liked the bracketology analogy used for who will win the GOP nomination... How does that work anyway? We bet Duke would love a bracket that worked this way....

And in non-political news, Apple unveiled it's New I-Pad.. We don't know about you, but it sure seems like they're missing Steve Jobs already... NEW I-PAD ???!!!!  Nice job , marketing wizards.   Yeah, the upgraded versions of their products are always minimal improvements (like an I-Phone 4S is much different from Numero Uno).   We'll just wait til they make an actual new product, then decide if Apple has peaked....


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