Maybe Someday, Buddy..... Maybe Someday.
Time for one of THOSE stories again. On, they have an article that is sure to get the Voter ID people here in South Carolina up in arms. By that, we mean like arms and hands up in the air, not a shooting rampage... It's a very sensitive topic that we've championed for a while - the right for Dogs to Vote.
OK, it isn't , but it is one of those more serious topics, wrapped around a dumb story. Buddy is a Black Lab in New Mexico, which makes us like him already, because Black Labs rock. Yellow Labs are spastic morons... Anywho, his owner, who remained nameless in the story decided to prove a point on how easy it is to manipulate Voter Registration. Why is he nameless? We have no idea, so we can only assume he is a Congressman or Senator, because only they can get in trouble, and NOT get their names in the papers. Yeah, we're getting on a tangent here, but it's a thin story, so we're trying to beef it up a bit. Back into focus, Daniel-San...
So, Mr/Ms Nameless gets a registration form, fills it out while using a made up birthdate and Social Security number, and mailed it to the Bernalillo County Clerk's office. Soon afterwards, in comes Buddy's voter ID card, all freshly printed. Naturally, the local clerk is pretty embarrassed, and she would like to prosecute The Nameless One to the law. As for Buddy, well - he's already been euthanized, which is the penalty for Voter Registration fraud. Bet you didn't know that either.... OK, nothing happened to buddy. Just kidding...
So, the person who is Yet to Be Idenitified did kind of prove his point, which we guess is a picture ID should be some required to register to vote.. Would he still have been registered with a fake drivers license? Not if Buddy's pic was on it (we think, but who knows), but our guess is there ae plenty of fake drivers license makers out there as well. Pictures for Voter ID isn't the worst idea in the world, but we're sure it's not foolproof either. Retina scans - now there's an idea. No word yet if Buddy will sue for having his civil rights violated...
A small sidebar to this one.. While pulling up this pic, we noticed it was attached to a article by the Progress Now New Mexico Blog which states in a post from yesterday, that the owner of Buddy is Tom Tolbert, who is married to a staffer of Heather Wilson's US Senate campaign. See what we said about overzealous staffers? ProgressNow NM is calling for Tolbert and his wife, Heather Wade to be prosecuted for the issue. Where do we start on this one? Stupid Campaign Staff/ Fox News being 2 days behind and not telling the whole story/ liberals getting all wound up over nothing? Hey, our only dog in this fight is Buddy... Poor pup's all stuck in this mess.
I was proofreading the post, and I just realized that I was totally right about WHY the person was not identified.. Even when I joke, I'm usually right...