Monday, March 12, 2012

The Gingrich - Perry Ticket: More Peering Into Newt's Vision of What Isn't, and What Never Will Be..

Perry: 'No Mitt, I'll Help Him.. I Know You Don't Want to See It, But That Door Right There is the Campaign Exit Door. Just Go Into the Light, Newt.. There Is Serenity Behind the Light'...

    Yeah, we know we just picked Newt to win two primaries today.. However, there still is no path to victory for him. He has done nothing anywhere else but in the old Dixiecrat Belt, and as much as it hurts Southerners to say it, we aren't the ones pushing the boat across to victory this time. In fact, we look a bit out of touch, but that's up for debate..

    No, we continue to have problems understanding what is going though New Gingrich's brain soemtimes.  The man has the biggest set of blinders on that we've ever seen.  He starts by telling you will be in his Cabinet - in December!  then, when he got waxed in Florida and everywhere but Georgia, he goes on thirty minute tangents about the entire history of his campaign. Next it was propping up $2.50 gas signs all over.  Now, there are rumors going all around that he would pick Rick Perry as his Vice-Presidential running mate.. OK, Newt. It's time for a reality check - you're in THIRD PLACE with Mitt Romney nearly halfway to the nomination delegate total.  Wake up and smell the coffee...

    Yeah, Newt's recent tactics make nice press and billboards, but that's all he has left. The rudder on his ship is waaaaay too small to turn his Titanic around, so all he's left with is shots in the dark, and populist promises that he can't keep.  First off, he can't do anything to cut gas prices.  The reason we are paying more has little to do with how much we drill and where. It is the instability of the US dollar, which we told you about nearly 2 years ago, and the unrest with Iran.  Prices were stable until we started talking about bombing their Nuclear plant....

    We'll review real quick here.... The Fed printed up a ton of extra cash two years ago, and it caused the dollar to be devalued. Simple economics: too muh money, less value, and investors then turn to commodities, rather than paper.. Things like umm....... OIL!  They guess that the prices will go up, and if everyone believes it, it DOES go up.  Drilling more would be nice, but the world oil usage has gone up so much, getting another 5 million barrels a day won't help. However, not getting oil from 25% of the world's production does raise prices... Sorry, Newt - this is still America. The market will determine the price of gas, not anything DC does...

     The Perry thing is inexplicable to us.  The guy got 10% in Iowa, less in New Hampshire, and didn't even make it to South Carolina...  At least he saw the tea leaves.  Newt Gingrich throwing this out is like tossing a Hail Mary pass at the end of the game... without having any receivers in the End Zone.... and you're down by 21 points.  It's Newt being Newt - and it doesn't make sense to us.


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