Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This Happens When You're Afraid of Your Congressman ....

We Tried to Have the 6th District Convention in Santee, But....

      Conspiracy Theorists and Jim Clyburn haters are going to love this post... The others of you probably won't care.  It's been an interesting month for Tom and I as we have prepared to have April's 6th Congressional District GOP Convention. Correct that - as we have TRIED to prepare for it.  We both remember - and others did too - that the last convention held in Orangeburg was not the most comfortable one. Honestly, I don't even remember which school it was held in, but we basically had it in the cafeteria, complete with the hard as nails kiddie chairs. And for lunch, we had Chinese food, which is fine for my Yankee tastes, but Southerners , it might not be their favorites.  We both were determined to do it right this time...

    First, we needed a location.  With the new counties added in the southern areas, we were trying for a location south of the lake, but still with more modern amenities - like seats and maybe a theater with a microphone! We thought we had a good spot in Lake Marion High School in Santee.  Just south of the lake, close to I-95 and I-26, and being a close to new location, we were sure we had our spot.  So, on the way to Chucktown, I thought I'd scout it out.  I got in, but the problem was it was Saturday, so no one was there, and I wasn't into getting busted for wandering the halls of the school.

   So, I called Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday.. Finally, someone answered the phone, and put me touch with the lady who handles that.  I told her what we needed and when, and everything seemed to go OK. I gave her my e-mail and phone number to send the particulars to, so I could pass them onto Tommy.... and I waited and waited again. This went on for a couple weeks. Finally Tommy himself got involved, so when I got her again, she already had his info too.  Still, we got no information or prices, and I started to wonder what the hell was going on...

    You know, I had this feeling the entire time that we might have problems booking the place, because after all, it is all of a mile or two from Jim Clyburn's home.  We're sure he had something to do with getting the school there, so the are probably scared shitless about ticking him off. It's not like we trying to show him up in his backyard, it's just a centrally located town with the right facility. But I guess we forgot to realize the school is not allowed to have functions for Republican events.... Silly us!

    Do I have real , solid proof of any of this? Of course not. All I know is they stalled and stalled, and kept changing and jacking up the price, and never sent us anything concrete.  Is it entirely possible that we were just dealing with relatively incompetent or lazy people? Maybe... But, we made one call to Manning High School - where maybe they have more experience in this stuff - and got it booked and paid in a day.  Guess they're not afraid of what John Land would think, now that he's retiring...

   It could be just an odd cowinkydink, but I've seen the scare Jim Clyburn has put into people around the district, especially the African-American community.  He probably had no knowledge of the whole thing, but he doesn't need to by this point.  Every civil servant in the district walks around in fear of possibly getting that call, so they just make it impossible to do business with them...

   So, instead of having the convention where we were trying originally, it will be held at Manning High School.  The convention will be held 1-4, with registration starting at 1200.  I don't know about you, but I like Manning High better already.  Thanks to them, and for everyone who helped organize the event.  Hope to see you there!



  1. Why not just have it at 3-stump? (Moye knows what I'm talking about)

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Pluvlaw--your welcome to come join us and enjoy the fun...teg
