Thursday, March 08, 2012

What Clarendon Couldn't Do In 37 Years, Moye Does in Three ...

After 40 Years in the Senate, John Land III Retires.....

     Maybe it's a day or two behind, but we needed some time to confirm what we thought was fact: After 40 years of serving the Clarendon County area, Sen. John C. Land III (D-Manning) is retiring.  The man who is so legendary in the area they named a boat landing after him (The Land Landing???), is stepping down due to the constant pestering of the only man MORE legendary on the lake than him - Moye Graham!

     We're sure Moye is not doing handsprings from Greeleyville to Graham Slough right now - he has more class than we do - but there has to be some relief over living to see a political thorn in your side for the past 40 years step down.  Maybe Land is retiring because he's been there forever. Maybe it's because old timber like Phil Leventis went out the door with him. Or maybe he sees the changing climate in the area, and decided to leave on hs own terms... Maybe to all of those, but we think it's because he got tired of saying 'You're Right, Moye - but!!!'.  Kinda wears on a guy after a while...

    Some may think we blow our buddy up here, but Moye Graham is a badass.. How else does a guy from an area that has about 1% of the state population get nominated to go to the National Convention?  Because Moye knows his stuff, and it's paying off in Clarendon.  Long dismissed as a wasteland for Republicans, Clarendon averaged in the mid-to-upper 40's in the 2010 Election. And it will only do better this year!

    Who was probably the first person every media outlet called after Land retired? Moye.  His next challenge will be finding a solid candidate to put up for the seat. A bit of SC6 trivia... In 2004, I was actually offered $8000 in campaign money from the state to take on Land by Katon Dawson himself.  Of course, I declined, since I don't live there. Besides, state politics isn't my bag... We know he'll do his best to find someone, and if he doesn't, we know it's not because he didn't try...

    Sure, you may think we're making this stuff up about why Land quit, but it's all true!  We were going to call Land to find out why, but we lost his cell number, so we sent out a telepathic message to him.. Land said 'That fella Graham has been a pain in mah butt since I got in there.  It was either be miserable til I die, or enjoy the later years in peace.. I had enough!'  At least that's what we heard, and our telepathic skills are solid: just yesterday, I guessed Carol told me to put the bills in the mailbox, and I was RIGHT !!!!  Granted, the odds were 50/50, but still..  We've said it before, and we'll say it again......

Now that it's official......



  1. He is the man. No doubt about it.

    1. Moye Graham10:56 PM

      We all know you da man. Mr. Land loves Clafendon. Yes I am glad he retired. I wish him well. With him retiring he has made the Clarendon GOP stronger. We will turn this county RED.
