Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Winning The Future ....

WARNING: You Must Be 40 Or Under to Get In This Picture... The Florence County GOP Has Their Young Republican Appreciation Day

    It was back on the road last night, but luckily for us, it was in the neighborhood. Good thing too, because we had a total brain fart on the way.  I went to pick up Tom Grimes from work , but I got stuck listening to this real interesting POTUS debate on Health Care - and I accidentally drove all the way across Florence to Tom's house!  It's pretty embarrassing to be there, knocking on his door and asking his dog to get him, when the thought that you messed up suddenly crosses your mind...

   Anyway, it was one of those nights that kind of unites everyone in the party, and reminds us that we are all on the same team - the kids!  Last night, the Florence County Republican Party held it's Young Republican Appreciation Night at the Floyd Conference Center at Carolinas Hospital.  Being young and involved and it politics is not an easy job. Very often, you don't get listened to, and you have to 'pay your dues'.  Young people are very important in politics, and the GOP is beginning to realize that more and more as time goes on...

     For starters, young people often have the time to work hard on a campaign, and usually , they are much more motivated than older sloths like you and I.  Yeah, sometimes you run into mistakes made by youthful exuberance, but if taught right, a Young Republican can be your best weapon.... Also, there is the obvious - investing in a young person is investing in the future of your party. I know my interest in politics goes back to elementary school, when I read a slew of books on various Presidents.  No, it's not the norm, but there are kids with a natural interest for the subject, and it's never too soon to harvest that...

   Technically, a Young Republican is anyone under 40 years old, and the guests ranged from candidates in their 20's and 30's to small kids around 5 or 6 years old... The old people left the night up to the younger folks, as Ethan Rivera ran last night's event. The guest speakers came from all over the state, and from all levels of group aimed at younger people interested in the GOP.  Cody Simpson from the Francis Marion GOP, Adam Cates of the SC Young Republicans and Adam Piper, Third Vice-Chair of the SCGOP all spoke for a few minutes, describing the differences in their jobs, and how people of all ages can get involved...

There were a few candidates at the event as well, and since the event actually moved AHEAD of schedule, they had time to allow a few of them to speak.  City Council candidates Robby Hill and Ron Moore both spoke to the attendees to give their qualifications and vision for the future of city council. They both were clear and concise, and so far, are the only two on the June ballot...

Also, 7th District candidate Jay Jordan made a hometown visit to the meeting... he wasn't scheduled to speak, but managed a quick talk that was pertinent to the event.  Very often, candidates will overwhelm an event, without focusing on the topic of it, but Jay managed to be brief, but kept his comments relevant to kids.  I meant to apologize to him for getting out talked at last week's meeting in Bennettsville, but we missed him afterwards...

And we finally got four 7th District leadership candidates together at the same time!  Only 3 1/2 weeks til Tommy Phillips, Elijah Jones, Tom Grimes and Brad Richardson finish their run...

    Overall, it was a good night... Kids have a habit of uniting people, and giving the older folks an opportunity to regain their focus on what is really important.. Kudos to the local crew on last night's event.


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