Saturday, April 14, 2012

And the Hourglass Runs Out...

      It's down to T-minus five hours and counting to the 6th District Convention - and the end of our term as Vice Chairman.  It's been a fun ride, and although the side journey to New York threw a huge monkey wrench, I did still stay active in the District.  Tom and I discussed things going on over the phone more than most District leaders do in person, and he will be an asset as Chairman in the 7th.  Like most people, I wished I could have done more, but I'm here now, and the future is what I'm paying more attention to.  If only more people in the party thought this way...

    It's funny how some are viewing this as my last song in South Carolina politics... As one commenter (anonymous, of course) put it, that I'll be no more than a blip on the radar.  Actually they said blimp, which is the POLAR OPPOSITE of blip, but I digress...  I laugh at these guys.  I've been here for eight years - hardly a blip.  I have contacts all over the state, along with one of the most well-respected blogs in SC.  Some may not like that I don't always drink the Kool-Aid, but I think for myself, and if I think you're wrong, I'll say it.  It's called constructive criticism, and if some had thicker skin, they'd accept the fact when I right.

    In hindsight, it makes me laugh that people who won a county convention 103-5 make it a point to go on a vendetta against the five who happened to disagree with them.  I've disagreed and criticized EVERY person I've known in the party at one time or another. Ask the other Horsemen... But I can honestly say I don't have a single enemy. Heck, Gary McLeod spent two years telling the craziest lies about me, and I have no hatred towards him. If they view me as one, then they aren't seeing things right.  Our goals are the same, and it takes all members - even with those of different views - to get there.  It's no surprise that a group that had 100 people coming to monthly meetings now is getting out attended by Williamsburg and Clarendon. It's because the same four people run everything, and they ran off loyal Republican who worked in the party for decades....straight to Stephen Wukela.

    I found a quote from Nathan Hale, which I'm going to use at my speech today.. "I am not influenced by the expectation of promotion or pecuniary reward. I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary for the public good, become honorable by being necessary."   That is what I have always done , and what I'll continue to do - be useful.  By being useful, I will always be necessary.  There are hundreds of people who were useful, and they're gone.  Maybe some think we don't need them back, but we do.... I'll get them back myself if I have to, and by doing so, I will bring honor with Republicans upon me - no title needed!
