Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Breck Girl Has Her Day in Court ...

       Today, jury selection for John Edwards trial began.  My sister lives in Greensboro, and she posted on Facebook that she wished her town was in the news for something a little better.  Hey, it's better than that race-filled gun battle they had in the 70's - at least somewhat better.

     Yep, the former Presidential candidate and ambulance chaser who cheated on his cancer-strickenwife by pregnating a documentarian is on trial for using campaign funds to pay the baby mama off.... Good luck on this one, buddy.  Though we are by no means legal scholars, we know cases like this are usually lead-pipe solid locks.  Edwards has his work cut out for him, especially since he's on the defense, not the offensive.  It's a lot easier to push than pull...

    Rather than plea bargain and maybe avoid jail time as much as possible, Edwards team is going with a new wrinkle.... Somehow, they are going to argue that they have a different interpretation of the uses of campaign funds, which would make it legal.  For their sake, they better be the BS Artists ever.. What they are asking for is for the entire campaign finance system to be overturned by accepting the argument that a poltician can use campaign donations to pay off his mistress because it a 'campaign issue'.  That impending thud you're going to hear from the North in about six weeks is the sound of that assertion falling flat to Earth...

     Very often, people skyrocket in the atmosphere, and eventually they fall back to where you and I are - or lower.  Most of the time, we don't see it as it happens, we just come back ten years later and ask what the hell happened.  That's what is so interesting about politics sometimes - we see the rise and fall as they are happening.  It's exciting and dramatic because we are there as it occurs.  Edwards' fall is almost complete, and unfortunately for him, it'll be public.  Luckily, he's got some FU cash in the bank. Maybe that will buy him some privacy - after he goes to jail.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Whatever Edwards does, let's hope he has better legal advisors than the ones that were working for Ken Ard...
