Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Fat Guy Sings at Last On Tuesday ....

With $4.3 Million in Debt, and One Win in Three Months, Newt Learns Even Sheldon Adelson Eventually Runs Out of Campaign Donations...

     Apparently, even after months of Spring-like weather, Newt Gingrich didn't see his shadow - and he has finally seen the light.  Come Tuesday (Fat Tuesday?), the former Speaker of the House will suspend (read:end) his Presidential campaign - approximately 3 months after it died politically..

    Unlike Rick Santorum, who spent Easter weekend going over things and leaving in a pretty timely manner, Gingrich is going to drag this out for an entire week... Why? Because he has a pretty sizable ego, and for intent and purposes, this is his Swan Song.  No, we really don't think Gingrich will have much of a place in the forefront of the Republican Party after this... He had his good points, but Ron Paul and Rick Santorum have been model citizens compared to the bad loser Gingrich has been since Florida.  We all knew his sole purpose was to take out Mitt Romney after getting blitzed in January, and it was not in the best interests of the GOP to do so....

    It definitely has been a bitter pill for Gingrich to swallow.. But, you can only argue 'I'm the smartest guy in the room' or 'I'm the Sage - the Conscience' for so long.. If you fail, you fail.  There are no explanations sometimes for why people lose or win.  Voters aren't always logical beings - but sometimes they are.  Personally, I passed on Gingrich because he's 68, and I have a problem supporting a guy who's been married three times running on family values...

   It may be only temporary, but Gingrich played us again here.  After all, rather than us just saying the race is over for him, we're yapping about him for another 5-6 days.  He knows that once he quits, he has jumped off the cliff and no one will be listening for quite a while..  As far as the coveted prime time speaking slot, we seriously doubt it.  This is it for Newt Gingrich.  The string - and the cash - have run out.  The Fat Lady sings at last....


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