Thursday, April 19, 2012

He Might Be the Motor City Madman, But Ted Nugent Isn't THAT Much of a Threat...

The Secret Service Determines That Guitar Is More Dangerous In Ted's Hands Than the Rifle... At Least For Obama!

     Ahh, life is never dull when you're Ted Nugent!  I'm sure if I said everything he did, I'd never end up in jail, or under Secret Service investigation - or in the news as the scourge of the entire liberal establishment... Hell, we already know that, because we've probably said half of the things he has...and no one's bothered to call.  And we like it that way.

   But, when you are Terrible Ted the Riflehead, the mysogynist who's been married to the same lady for 30 odd years, you get away with nothing.... It's kind of stupid that people actually thought he was talking about killing Barack Obama if he got re-elected this year.  Saying 'If he gets re-elected, by this time next year, I'll probably be dead or in jail' sounds more like someone would kill him, he'd kill himself, or get thrown in jail more than a real threat to the President.  Luckily for everyone, the Secret Service called him, got a clarification.... and closed the case.  Now, it's back to the Colombian prostitutes!  Yes, his timing couldn't have been any better.  Sexist mysogynist? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...


1 comment:

  1. At least he wasn't threatening to Wango the Tango.
