Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hey, We Have Primaries Today .....

All My Cousins and Friends' Families Get to Vote In Steeler Nation and Four Other Northeastern States Today - OOOHH, the Excitement!

    A few weeks ago, today seemed like it was really going to be an important event in the 2012 GOP Presidential Race.  Things change a lot in a short period of time, don't they?  Where were once wondering whether Pennsylvania was going to be Rick Santorum's Alamo, where he'd either die in his own home state, or maybe live for another day, we're left wondering if Newt Gingrich might have a shot at .... Delaware!  All together now..... YAWN!  By the way - no Newt, you don't.  Not unless Delaware suddenly bordered South Carolina or Georgia...

    Yes, we are getting ready to head for that dreaded period in politics - The 'Tweener.  Every bit as annoying as the 12 year old similarly named, we are in that vast wasteland where the primaries for all intent and purposes are over, and the conventions start.. It's gonna be a long 4 months!  Where each day since January, we had a new development or mishap, we're now faced with endless months of rehashed attack lines and marketing of bad strategies and tag lines.   Let's hope the GOP Veepstakes will be interesting, but we doubt it.  They're already eliminating possible choices.  After all, how many times can we listen to Marco Rubio, Tim Pawlenty and Chris Christie say they don't want it?  Apparently a few thousand....

    Yes, we are in South Carolina, where no one cares how Yankees vote anyway.  But today, even my friends back home don't care.  Honestly, I haven't seen a single political Facebook comment from the hundreds of friends I have up there at all... Apathy is alive and well on the Northeast Corridor.   At least it won't make or break anyone's nomination, because that was decided about a month ago - the dead just haven't stopped walking yet.  Zombie Candidates...  Rarely do we watch American Idol over election returns, but we just may go that route tonight.


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