Friday, April 20, 2012

It's the Unofficial Guide to the 7th District Convention...

No, There Won't Be THAT Many People At West Florence High Tomorrow, But Copy and Paste This, So You Won't Feel Lost ..

     The time has finally come - the first 7th Congressional District Convention!  While most conventions are not much of a big deal, we here in the Pee Dee and Grand Strand are acting like we haven't had one of these things in 80 years or something.... Oh right - we haven't!

    Although we are not insiders to this whole thing, we have had plenty of access to those who have been involved with this whole shebang, and we have lots of observations, and we're gonna tip you off on things to look for in front and behind the scenes behind what is expected to be a big - and long - day?  It's not all glitz and glamour, so here's some the of the poop and fireworks, before we hopefully drop any issues, and leave a team of happy campers....

$15 - Just to WATCH ?

     This has been the biggest question that all non-delegates have been asking. We thought it was a misprint, until we heard it from Bill Pickle on his show.  It's a bit confusing.. Yeah, the Florence County GOP could use the cash, but the checks -and therefore the money - are going to the SCGOP.  To us and others, it seems a tough sell to get people involved in the party if you have to pay go get in..

To My Good Friend, _______, Love Nikki...

    Governor Nikki Haley will be there to open the convention, and then to sign her book 'Death Is Not an Option'.... wait, it's 'No Is Not An Option'.  The capitalism continues.. Still, it is cheaper than going to a NASCAR race or a MLB game - but that depends how many books you buy.  We're still working on John Stossel's 'No They Can't'...

The Campaign Was Great, Until I Gave That Speech

    Everytime we go to one of these events with a full slate of candidates, one or more of them gives a bomb of a speech, or they piss someone off.  Then they fall off the radar.  We're not sure if all nine candidates are coming, but Dick Withington is our top choice, with a possibility of Renee Culler.  Our dark horse pick?  Tom Rice, who is getting a reputation of needing to have his pulse checked when he speaks to make sure he's still alive...

What's Up With Pickle and Bellamy?

   They'll probably both deny it, but the Florence and Horry Chairs are having some static going on right now.  It's nothing that can't be fixed when this is all over, but there's been funny things going on.  Horry is none too pleased at the 800 start time, which means some Grand Strand delegates will have to get up at 500am for this event.  Add to that, Johnnie Bellamy was waiting for weeks to be able to leave a Facebook post on Florence's page, and wasn't getting an answer.  So, when Pickle left his endorsement of Elijah Jones on Horry's FB page, she probably got pissed.  BTW, Bill's endorsement is fine with us.  He and Elijah are tight, so it's not really him trying to influence an election - and it wouldn't work by then anyway.  Lastly, this event is so practiced, they actually have a script.  Not sure who will get screenwriting credits for it, but we don't expect any Oscars for it..

Editor's Note: We did get a correction. The convention starts at 1000am, and registration starts at nine. We had the start time right, but were wrong about the registration start - it begins at 900, not 800. That aside, we are getting phone calls from delegates that are staying hotels in Florence due to the early start...

Will the Grand Strand Vote As a Block?

     Bill Pickle may call it innuendo and trash, but we know we know a little more about this than he does.  The facts are that both Pee Dee Chair candidates got calls from Horry, and were told that Horry and Georgetown were voting as one for Carroll Padgett and Jerry Rovner, and offered them the Secretary job, which both told them they would pass.  The odd part is they can't decide the race, because they don't have a majority of the delegates (59 of 125 is just a bit short)...  Will it happen? Maybe not.  Horry is a splintered group of many subparties, and both candidates aren't exactly working hard for these spots.  We'll see who's right.  We're not trying to divide the party - it's just the way it's playing out.

Will Elijah Jones and Tom Grimes Unite in the Second Vote?

    According to all parties involved, the first vote will not decide who the Chair is.. Padgett will have the beach, Jones will almost sweep Florence, and Grimes is strong in the rural counties.  Our guess is Padgett 55, Grimes 42 and Jones 27.  So, it'll go to a second vote.  In this case, whoever is third from Florence needs to drop out.  If Grimes is second, Florence will need to bite the bullet, and vote for the guy they don't like much - or give up all control of anything in the District..

Will Brad Richardson Be There?

    Our buddy The Maverick has been going through hell the last few weeks.  Word from his Facebook page is that he got out of the hospital today, so knowing him, our guess is that he's going to be there.  Whether his illness hurts his race or not is beyond us, but it definitely hurt his campaigning effort.  The good thing is.....

The Vice Chair Race Appears to Be Wide Open..

   Like we just said, Brad's been real sick, and that's hurt him some.  Luckily, the field isn't the strongest ever.. Tommy Phillips has been out there, and he's got all the experience needed to assist the rural counties build from the ground up, but he's got baggage, especially in Florence. 2008 wasn't that long ago.  Jerry Rovner's pet project is the Waccamaw Neck GOP, and he made comments that doing this wasn't particularly important to him.  Like we said, Horry made little to no effort to run, but the block vote might get him in this seat, because Phillips and Richardson don't seem to have gotten the dominating votes that Jones and Grimes got...

And the National Delegate Entrants Are???

    No one we have spoken to even knows who the people running for National Delegate are.  Either SCGOP or Pickle have dropped the ball, or tucked inunder their shirt.  I know we in the 6th had the list out by the Monday before.  It's probably not a huge deal, because picking delegates is usually a five minute decision.  To be a convention delegate, you have to know SOMEONE, and it's usually at least a couple National Delegate candidates... We'll live, but it's nice to know beforehand..

How Late Will This Go On Until?

   Like we said, Florence is planning on not just making this a convention - they want to make it an EVENT... Most are hoping to have the officers elected before lunch, eat, elect National Delegates, and be home hopefully before dinnertime!  With a little luck, it'll go quickly and no one will need EMS assistance...

   One last thing before we end it here.  This is just a fun look at the day tomorrow... There is always a little friction before these things go on, and that's natural.  Once it's over, we'll all be back together as one - unless some dummies hold grudges.  I know we won't if our guy loses, which you all know is Tom Grimes.  We've lost before, and still been part of the team.  Hopefully, if the tables or turned - or not - they'll be the same.  After all, our goals are the same... See you tomorrow!



  1. I will be there but it is wrong to charge anyone other than the Delegates. It sounds like they are trying to just have their own there and not all Republicans.

  2. I'm waiting for that anonymous crank to start proclaiming the death of the Four Horsemen after this.
