Sunday, April 08, 2012

Oprah Is Too Busy to Help Obama Get Elected ThisTime Around..

'Sorry Barry, But I Have a Network to Save'.......

There are more signs that the lack of enthusiasm that propelled Barack Obam a to the White House doesn't only exist in the middle ground voters that he had in 2008...  Perhaps his biggest supporter, media queen and fellow Chicagoan, Oprah Winfrey, announced on CBS This Morning that she will not be hitting the campaign trail for the President in 2012.  It's bad enough that there are millions of Haus Fraus that no longer know which books to read, now they'll have to make up their own minds on who to vote for....

Is this a major repudiation of Obama and his policies by Winfrey? No, not at all.  We're sure that she feels he could go even further, but her major problem is that her Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) is sucking a major egg in the ratings.  Kicked out of her old O Network, she decided to start OWN after ending her daytime show.  How quickly that ungrateful public forgets...But the fact is she is a businessperson first, and her network is losign cash hand over first, and that is her focus in 2012.

Now, will this be a big problem for Team Obama?  Not right now.  At this point, Obama has an 18 point lead with women, hence Mitt Romney's 'Woman Problem'.  So right now, Barack isn't looking at Winfrey's skipping the trail for him as a huge loss.  However, if that lead starts to shrink, don't be surprised to see his camp start pressuring her to hit a stop or two on the road...


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