Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rick Santorum Closes Up His Tent ....

GOP Runner Says Bye-Bye After Easter Dinner at Home ...

     Like an obituary after someone dies, we'll be kind to Rick Santorum today.... After taking a long weekend to celebrate Easter with his family - tempered by the fragile health of his youngest daughter - Rick Santorum has decided to bypass the upcoming primary in his home state of Pennsylvania, and suspend (read: end) his presidential campaign.  Good call....

    We could speculate on the various reasons, and there are lots of them.  Yes, the race for all intent and purposes was over.  Yes, there was growing signs that he would be humiliated with a loss in his home state on the 24th... Those were all contributing factors, but candidates rarely get out at the right time, and Santorum did... Our feeling is that the weekend home, and the possibility that he could have lost his daughter while on the road for a fruitless campaign, made him realize that it's over, and family comes first.  And that is as good a reason as any...

    Just like in 2008, when Mike Huckabee was running second, and he dropped out, leaving Mitt Romney to run out the string, Santorum is out, but Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul are still running... We hate it when those old guys can't take a hint!  Without Santorum in the race, the pressure will REALLY be on the other two to pack it in, and get ready for a non-prime time slot at the convention...

    Rick Santorum outdid just about everyone's expectations this year.  We don't think it will translate into a 2016 run, or even a spot as a spokeperson for Conservatism.  This is most likely his peak, and he should take pride in that.  It's more than just about all the other candidates can say..


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