Thursday, April 05, 2012

Rick Santorum Takes the Weekend Off To Make Up His Mind...

On One Lane Is Dragging the Race Out, On the Other Lane Is Giving Up.... Which Lane Will Rick Santorum Choose??

      Like we and most people thought, Mitt Romney swept Tuesday Primaries, and now has a commanding delegate lead over Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul... How far behind has Santorum fallen? From now until the end of the primaries, he has to pull 70% of the delegates.  Considering it is a proportional system, that is just about impossible.  Simply put, it is inevitable - Mitt Romney WILL be the Republican nominee for President...

    Being the good Catholic he is - barring his swearing at a NY Times reporter - Santorum is taking a four day weekend to celebrate Easter with his family.  At least that what his campaign is saying.  While we are sure he'll be noting Christ rise from the dead over a nicely carved Ham, he has other things to think about... His stock is falling fast, where even Evangelicals and Tea Party voters are deciding that this race has gone on long enough.  He's tried every trick in  the book: You've read in Earl's blog about his supporters in South Carolina are trying to bumrush every district convention in the state, so they can take the delegate spots from Newt Gingrich if a second vote comes.  Trust us, the 6th District is no different, and we know it...  All to no avail.  Romney will clinch it before the convention....

    So, what will Rick Santorum do?  Our first guess was he would stay in until Pennsylvania, where he could claim one last sure victory, then decide what to do... However, the 30 point lead he had in February is gone.  Romney is dead even in most polls, and one even had him up by 5 points.  A home state loss would be the ultimate embarrassment for Santorum, and he sees it coming now.  So, the question is what do you do?  If I were him, I'd keep checking the polls, and if they confirm the way it is going, he'll quit before getting humbled in his own state.  

   He might do it after the weekend, but we don't see it happening.  Pennsylvania was Santorum's Alamo, Petersburg and Vicksburg rolled all into one.  The siege has begun, and Romney's barrage is overwhelming him.  The wall will collapse soon, so why not just give up the fort intact? The fort, of course, is the GOP brand... Even he can only ignore the calls to drop out for so long.  Wethinks that time has finally come.  While Christ rose from the dead by Sunday, we doubt Santorum's campaign will...Enjoy the weekend, Senator! 



  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Mike-I have to agree, it is time for Ron Paul, Newt and Santorum to accept the inevitable. Also, if the MSM is to be believed, Romney and Newt have been talking on a regular basis over the last several weeks. While there has been no indication about what their conversations entailed...well lets just say I have a possible prediction...could it be...Romney/Gingrich 2012...teg

  2. Romney will never pick Newt. Never ever.
