Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Any Question That Rick Santorum Didn't Want to be VP?

'Thanks For the Endorsement, Rick... That's the Exit Door Right Over There - Your Work Here Is Done.'

     Just like most of you, we got Rick Santorum's midnight missive while dozing off to Friends reruns on Nick at Nite.. Our first thought to the e-mail, simply titled 'Mitt Romney', was 'Mitt Romney is WHAT?'.... People don't send e-mails in the middle of the night if it's something they are proud of, or want everyone to see.  Cheating spouses send e-mails to their lovers at times like these.  And Rick Santorum is far from in love with Mitt Romney.

    Yeah, reading it for the first five minutes, our thought was 'Is Rick eventually going to endorse Romney, or is he blowing him off?'  It eventually came, but it took forever, and sounded like one of those notes sent by hostages, telling how well they are being treated by their captors with a gun to their head..  Calling it tepid was being kind...

   After reading it all, one thought became clear to us - actually two.  Mitt Romney will never pick Santorum for Vice-President, and Santorum doesn't want it anyway...  Runners -up rarely gat picked for the Veep slot, because they are he ones who fight the hardest and say the most disparaging things about the eventually nominee.  Do we think Rick Santorum actually meant all the stuff he said in Wisconsin? No... The last days are the most desperate of a campaign, where candidates say almost anything before packing in the tent.  It reminded me of George H.W. Bush getting so worried, he called Bill Clinton and Al Gore 'Bozo's'...

   In all seriousness, I don't see Santorum, Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul hitting the trail for Romney in the Fall - nor would I ask them to.  It just sets up a perfect attack ad campaign for Barack Obama.  We picture a clip of Rick Santorum glowing about Mitt Romney, immediately followed by the Wisconsin clip of him calling 'the worst Republican candidate out there'..  In every swing state in America.  The best thing is for Santorum to fade into the sunset - like he did until yesterday - and let Romney pick his team and go from there.  Santorum will have little to no useful advice to give him. He's given his 'endorsement' finally - now it's time to take a step back.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    My only thought on Sanborum's e-mail at O dark thirty in the morning was---YAAWWWNNN....teg
