Sunday, May 06, 2012

Cartoons of the Week...

    It was a bit of a slow week in political news - at least nationally.  Not much new stuff in politics, but it is that dead period where we're just waiting for the conventions.  No, Barack Obama kicking off his campaign yesterday is NOT news.. Left with that, we went for the smaller news. First, we have the Supercalafragilisticexpidalidocious news that British Security will use missiles on building tops for the upcoming London Olympics.. Hopefully, Mary Poppins will not be mistaken for a scud missile....

Meanwhile, John Edwards' trial doesn't appear to be going well, as the only people who appear to be supporting him are his daughter and parents... When elderly heiresses gladly testify against you, you're in trouble.  Maybe Darth Vader will change his mind....


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