Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ed Robinson: The Gift That Just Keeps Giving to Us

Wait, Don't Tell Us, Let Us Guess.... Is It Another Story of Ed Robinson Getting Thrown In Jail???   YESSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!

     Now we know how the National Enquirer felt every time Elizabeth Taylor got married again..  Yes, Florence's favorite city councilman (if by 'favorite' you mean the one who can't stay out of trouble) did it again..  According to a news report in yesterday's, Ed Robinson was arrested and briefly detained this past April 10th 400PM at a Myrtle Beach Food Lion after a confrontation with the manager, when he refused to produce ID to purchase alcohol, or for the police who arrived later.  For those of you without a calendar in front of you, April 10th was a Tuesday - but we'll just assume he and his wife were on vacation...

     Yeah, we're beating a dead horse, and we're sure most of you have heard this story already, so we won't go too much into it, except to say as usual, Ed Robinson took an everyday situation, and turned into a gigantic incident.  In other words, it was just like ant Florence City Council meeting he attends, except at the City-County Complex, no one gets arrested.  Once he steps off of N. Irby Street, it seems that Ed always get arrested - and he always does it to himself... Need proof? In the article, Robinson claims HE called the cops, not Food Lion, because they were insulting his wife.  That does make a lot of sense, because a retail establishment's main goal is to give justifiable cause for it's patrons to leave without buying anything...

     We've personally dealt with Ed in situations like this, and we can attest, he is not a rational person.  We had to verify his car insurance for a rental once, and there was a small problem, and he just about lost it before we told him we'd work it out, it would just take a minute. That's Ed Robinson in a nutshell: He looks for reasons to get pissed off.   A shrink would call it paranoia, but our degree is in the mail right now, so we'll avoid judging officially...

     No, this incident is yet another small potato in the bushel basket of minor arrests Ed's had.  Does he deserve to go to jail for this mess? Of course not, but it's further proof that District Two in Florence City surely could find someone else to represent them.  As far as being Mayor? Give us a f**king break.... 


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