Friday, May 18, 2012

It's May 18th, So It's That Time to Review and Reflect

      Ahhh, May 18th... While most of you have no idea what the significance of the date is - other than Memorial Day is right around the corner - for us, it is very important.  You see, May 18, 1991 was the day we graduated college... Yes, 21 years ago, we walked down that runway at the State University of New York, College at Oswego, took our diploma, and moved that little dangly thing on our mortarboard from left to right.  Or was it right to left??? It's been a while...

   Anyway, we remember feeling like walking off that stage was like walking off the gangplank into an ocean of great unknowns.  By the end of that first year, we wished that right after we got the diploma, someone shot us in the head - it was THAT bad.  Not having any guidance certainly didn't help, and not being trained in particularly anything, we were lost.  In a way, we still are.  About six years or so ago, we decided that May 18th was a good marker to review annually about where we are, and what we need to do to to improve.  The way I looked at it, as long as things kept improving things would be alright.  Five years ago was a low point, but we rebounded.  Three years ago was another rough patch, but we had some good friends, and the move to New York went a long way to righting that ship. 

     This time last year, we thought we were pretty content.  For the most part, it was good.  The money was coming in pretty well, even though we spent 11 years in a job that we generally did not like doing, so we just rolled with it.  Personally, I couldn't complain, although I was spending time with someone that was unavailable.  In short, on paper, it looked good, but it was as thin as the paper it wasn't written on - and it caved in.

    Whereas previously, I would get bummed and feel bad for myself, then go right back into the job I hated, this time was different.  I realized that I constantly was quitting or getting axed at work because I didn't like the job, and no amount of money would change that.  It was time for a career move.  For decades, I told kids in school not to get a degree, but a usefull skill - something tat told employers that 'I can do this', and that would make you valuable.  Too many college grads don't realize this until it's too late.  The funny part is that I never took my own advice - I did the same thing over and over.  At last, I realized that going back into the car business was like reuniting with the ex you divorced five times, because you think she's changed.  The car business isn't going to change, so I needed to..

   I decided I too needed to stop being afraid of failing at something, and pick up a skilled trade that would be in demand.  One where I could learn it, get a job, and be valued as someone who was able to do things no one else out there could. To be valuable and needed, and to be able to have my bosses by the balls, instead of the other way.  In a few weeks, I'll be studying Industrial Electrician for the next six months.  When that's done, I'll find a job somewhere, where I'll be the go to guy at the plant. If something breaks , I fix it.  Value...

   As far as personally, just being out of the car biz seems to have put me in a better mood... I notice I laugh a bit more, especially at stuff that used to get me pissed.  I'm actually pretty attractive when I smile - or so I've been told.  Finding someone at almost 44 isn't easy, but there's someone out there.  One step at a time, right...

     Yeah, another May 18th has come, and on the surface it looks like we took a step back this year... But, what we see is that we took a big shovel, dug out all of the shit that was burying our long-term satisfaction, and are starting out on a solid, clean base.  For once, we have a plan...How will it all work out? Check back in next May 18th...


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