Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012 ...

      Like we do every year, we're noting our annual observance of Memorial Day... We're not going to give any heavyhanded trump on your head to remember what Memorial Day is really all about.  We've done that enough previously, others are doing it enough for us this year, and it seems that most people we know have an idea why we mark (celebrate seems an incorrect word ) the day...

    I always note my Uncle Pete, who died in WWII, and my cousin Chris, who is in the 82nd Airborne, every year, but I often forget my Dad and his other brothers all were drafted in The Big One, as they called it.  Pops never went overseas, and stayed at Fort Lewis most of his hitch, and my Uncle Mike was in Alaska, I think.  My Uncle Tom and Sam I have no idea, but I well remember my Uncle Jimmy had a horrendous hitch in Burma.  Nowadays, they call it PTSD, but I guess back then, it was Shell Shock.  He lived past 90, and it never seemed to get away from him. 

    We're going to have a lot of guys like that well after we finish in Afghanistan - and hopefully, that will be soon.  That's what we ask from you today: If you see a Vet, thank him/her for their service, and try to do something for them.  If you work in retail, give them a little discount. If you're at a bar, buy them a drink out of respect.. It's pretty easy to tink of someway to say it, but if you can't, say thanks to them anyway!  And thanks for reading when we're sure you had better things to do today...


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