Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mitt, Please - Avoid Donald Trump Like The Clap ..

      We always got a good laugh from an old MTV clipback in the 80's.  It was an interview with the German Heavy Metal band, The Scorpions - or as we called them Das Scorpions.  It was one of those mid-tour interviews, and they were talking about doing videos.  Matthias Jabs said something that always stayed with me: 'There are things in the videos that you can see..... and other things that, uh - you SHOULD NOT see.'   That's our two cents of political advice for Mitt Romney today...

   Different people have different skill sets, and in politics, it's no different.  However, there are people who you go out on stumps with, in front of 50,000 people - like Chris Christie, John McCain, and to a lesser degree, smaller people who get you press, like Nikki Haley.  Then, there the others.  That is, those who probably have very good advice to give you on certain matters, but whom you should NEVER be seen in public with.  We should know - we ARE one of those people!   We give advice all the time, and most of them follow it - and those who don't usually regret it afterwards. But, will we ever be seen behind them at a podium? Hell no... Who would admit they listen to us?

    That is the lesson Mitt Romney will likely learn after being seen with Donald Trump this weekend.. While we will rarely doubt The Donald's business sense, that is about all he knows.  In politics, you meet with the smart businesspeople in private, locked away offices, clubs or charity events.  You don't get on stage with them.  Why? Because on just about all other issues, Trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow.  However, his inability to get off the damned Birther Issue kills Romney by association - and that's all it takes.  It doesn't matter how smart overall you are. In politics, you are only as smart as your dumbest stance, and Donald Trump looks like a total moron on it...

    Of course, there are other reasons as well... Mainly that Donald Trump is an egomaniac.  First, he considers running for President.  Then after, he tried to 'moderate' a debate between the GOP candidates earlier this year.  Why? So he could get all his opinions in, and try to look smarter than the legitimate candidates.  Trump doesn't do things to put himself on an even level with you - he does it to make himself look better than you.  The reason is simple: Donald Trump thinks he is the smartest guy in the world...

    Most people like Trump shouldn't and don't run for President.  By that, I mean people who go straight from CEO's to President.  Why? Because as CEO, you are the RULER.  The President may be the Big Cheese, but that is a huge block of cheese, and lots of others control parts of that block...  People like Romney do: they run a company, then they get into politics at smaller levels than President and work their way up.. Trump's ego is too big to run for Governor or Senator.  Now if America had a King, Trump would go right for it...

   There's no doubt that Donald Trump wants Mitt Romney to beat Barack Obama in November, and he'd be willing to do anything to achieve it.  Unfortunately, sometimes you do more for a guy by NOT doing certain things.  In this case, Romney needs to confer on occasion with Trump, and have The Donald raise as much cash as possible for him.  As far as going on the road with him, our answer is no f**king way.....  If Romney reads any papers or watches any TV, he just learned that lesson.


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