Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Say A Little Prayer For Brad Richardson Today ....

Hopefully, There Won't Be Any Kryptonite In the Doctor's Instruments, As The King Of Johnsonville Undergoes the Knife Today....

      Just a quick note to wish Brad Richardson well during his surgery today.. Actually, it may be over already, but we haven't heard how he's doing, but it can't hurt, right?  The former Johnsonville councilman, 7th District Vice-Chairman candidate, and FCGOP Energizer Bunny has had a terrible month or so physically.  But, it appears that the doctors at Carolinas Hospital may have finally pegged his problem down, as they're removing his lymph nodes..

     It's pretty obvious now that when he was rolling around the convention in a wheelchair last month, he wasn't kidding... It takes a lot to keep Brad off his feet, or at a GOP event. We're just hoping this is the end of it all, and he'll be bothering Dean Fowler at the Treasurer's Office very soon...



  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    May the sun always be on his face, the wind be at his back and may the good Lord bless him and hold him in the palm of his hand. Hopeing Brad makes a speedy recovery and he's able to make it to Columbia on Saturday...teg

  2. Ron McGill7:28 PM

    I've not heard what's wrong with him BUT I'm praying for him and a speedy recover from this issue. May GOD bless him and his doctors today!
