Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cartoons of the Week ....

      It's a busy weekend for us, so we're probably just going to put up the usual couple Sunday standard posts here for you.  Tonight, we finally return to South Carolina - just in time for Primary Day.  In case you were wondering, The Belmont was fun, although I lost my betting touch in the worst way until the actual Stakes race.  Yes, I got Union Rags right, and I picked the winner and exacta in the last race, so all totaled, we lost about $50 at the gate - double that amount when you include parking, entry and the $5 waters, Cokes and Hot Dogs....

     Back to the toons.. Scott Walker obviously was a big part of them, but we talked about that earlier, so we'll skip those.  Yeah, Unions are in trouble... Aside from that, drones were a big part of the political cartoon world.  It seems everyone has them now, but Barack Obama gets to use his the most.  Are you sure that isn't just a souped up Air Hog??

And in 'the one that got away' department, we somehow forgot to blog about NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg wanting to limit the size of large sugared drinks and sodas... Yes, you can have all the aspartame you want until you get brain cancer, but high fructose corn syrup is evil...



  1. Bobby7:28 PM

    high fructose corn syrup is evil...and so is the aspartame.

  2. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Mike--Bloomingnuts has just about assured the fact that this is going to be his last rodeo as mayor of NYC. Given NYC's finest reputation for police enforcement of laws like this I can see the headlines now--16 year old McDonald's employee arrested for dealing oversized drinks...they call him Dr. Pepper....teg
