Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Just When You Thought It Was Over - The Court Hits Again !

SC Supreme Court Follows Up FCGOP Appeal With a Blow That Will Knock Out Even More Candidates Than We First Thought...

    Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for the FCGOP, it just did... After yesterday's legal thumping for certifying candidates incorrectly, the Florence County Republican Party asked for a clarification today on one point.  Basically, it asked not about the challengers who incorrectly filed their SEI's, but about the candidates who had filed SEI's previously for other offices, but were running for a new office.  Seems like a pertinent question to ask - and they got an answer, alright!

    Folks, this is huge - even bigger than yesterday's ruling.... The Supreme Court refused consideration to clarify in regards to previously filed SEI's.  They in effect ruled that unless a new SEI was filed at the time of candidacy for the new office, that candidate is uncertified as well, and cannot be on the ballot.  Whereas yesterday's ruling affected Florence County mostly, and sent a warning to other counties, today's ruling affects other challengers all over the state - namely, anyone that current holds an office, but it running for another one.  Once we get a copy of the ruling, we'll post it. Clearly, it is not a good year to be running for a new office...

     Offhand, we can think of several people this affects: in Florence, Robby Hill, Steve Powers, Ed Robinson and Willard Dorriety could be very well gone.  In Clarendon, State Rep. Kevin Johnson (D-Manning) is a likely victim.  We're sure there will be others across the state now that thought they were safe yesterday, and all because of this lawsuit.  If the FCGOP lost some friends before, they're likely to lose a few more now...

    There are people on both sides now that aren't sure that this ruling is fair, and we see their point... The question is, if they already have an SEI on file, why would they need to file another?  Our only guess is that since different offices have different conflicts of interest, the Court felt a renewed SEI should be filed.  OK, we can sort of see that.  But, in some cases that might not apply well.  In Steve Powers and Ed Robinson's case, they are already on Florence City Council, so there really wouldn't be any different conflicts between a Mayor and a City Council seat , would there? In case you missed it, we just defended Steve Powers and Ed Robinson - so get off our case already!

    We often talk about unintended consequences... How one action creates other actions not foreseen.  The FCGOP is learning that in full effect.  Had they not disregarded the Supreme Court ruling the first time, they would have some of these candidates on the ballot. Now many of them will likely be gone.  Instead of saying 'Thank You' and moving on, they tried to box out of their weight class - and got cold cocked by a punch they never saw coming.  Too bad they just got knocked out, kicked in the goodies, and had their cornerman, trainer and promoter flattened as well.. Stubborness will do that to you sometimes.



  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    It will be interesting to see if other affected counties (like Oconee or Clarendon) sue the FCGOP and its leadership. One thing is for sure the next SCGOP executive committee meeting will be very interesting.

  2. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Pickle needs to get out of town. Hell even Texas would not want him back. Tell him to take Rawlinson and Jones with him.
