Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rumor of the Week: Jordan to Endorse Rice on Monday?

Excuse Us As We Engage in Totally Unfounded Clap-Trap !!!

    It's Saturday, so the workload is light today. Ben came sort-of unexpectedly this morning from Pennsylvania (we thought he said 26th, but it was the 16th).  We swore at 715 this morning we were about to battle a raccoon the size of a bear in our garage, but it turned out to be him... Lucky us, because the only weapon we have is an alumninum bat in the garage, so we probably wouldn't have gotten to it...

   Anyway, since it's Saturday, and you're probably not reading blogs on such a beautiful day, we'll just engage in word of mouth rumormongering!  Yes, we don't mind spreading 'guess what we heard's .  The only difference is while other blogs spread things like these as facts, we fully admit we having NOTHING to back it up.  We don't bother candidates of 'party insiders' to confirm things - we just state it to be exactly what it is - a rumor.  A nice, fat, juicy rumor!

    What is it? The poop that former 7th District candidate Jay Jordan of Florence is going to be endorsing - and hopefully taking his 21% of the Primary votes - second place finisher Tom Rice on Monday.  Like we said, all we had was word of mouth yesterday, but a tidbit of news certainly didn't dampen that rumor today. It seems that Rice will be at a meet & greet at Bazen's Restaurant - a solid GOP hangout - on Monday morning from 8-10am... So, this is the rumor, and now we have confirmation that Rice will be in Flotown at that time.. Good enough for us to spread the rumor.  True?  Who knows, and who cares?

    It does make sense.  There is no way Bible-thumpers like Jordan's crowd at Florence Baptist Temple would go for Andre Bauer. After all, he's in his forties, well-dressed, neat, handsome - and single.  You get the assumed drift from there.  Since we're on that rumor drift, we might as well be honest about the train of thought.... I drove my sister (she's gay) past it on the way to Zaxby's, and she uttered 'I don't suppose I would be too welcome here on Sunday mornings'.  Maybe, but doubtful..

   Of course, how much effect it has on the race is up for debate, but it does make it interesting - and it's always good for a sweet rumor or two!



  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I heard the same rumor this morning in Florence going around in GOP circles. And what's most interesting is it seems Andre's already reacting. This event was posted on his Facebook page today- "I will be in Florence on Tuesday morning at 7:30 am at Bazen's Family Restaurant for an early morning Meet 'n Greet. Would love to see you out there! And bring a friend or two with you! Click below for full details." Either he is trying to head off the endorsement or figuring he will be playing catch up after Monday.

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Always best to check your facts. Then double check. Fits news already posted that Jordan was going to endorse Rice in exchange for a Judgeship. No rumor here. Also, Bauer's campaign were inviting people to a event at Bazen's as early as last Wednesday, the day after the primary. Do not know why they are just posting on FB.

  3. Shhhhhh, Anon! You're wrecking my next post. :)

  4. That's pretty much what I was referring to.. Jay is way too young an inexperienced to snag a Judgeship. I've also heard other rumors about promised seats for Jordan for this, but there are more qualified people that are in line for the job... that'd be the same, so I passed on it.

  5. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Anon 10:28- Haley has no power to appoint anyone to a judgeship, and if there was a deal, and if that was true, you really think they'd do something so obvious in exchange for an endorsement. Your in la la land, your probably the only one that believes everything they read in FITS News. Bauer is scheduling the event at Bazen's the day after Rice for a reason. Was planned the day after the runoff is BS.

  6. No one said Haley was appointing anyone. Where did that thought come from you Florence Jerk. You guys have got to be the worst in the state called Republicans.

  7. SHHD, FITS News posted late last week that Haley would work to get a judgeship through for Jordan in exchange of an endorsement for Rice over her political enemy, Bauer. Yes, it was so ridiculous that I didn't mention it in the post. No one here made it up, it came from Columbia, and I'm doing everything to quash such a dumb thought....
