Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cartoons of the Week...

      Since Congress has effectively taken off even before they take a five-week vacation, the cartoonists had little/nothing to speak of in DC.  Sometimes, that's a good thing.. The less they work, the less damage they do!  Last week's top story in Colorado spilled over a bit into this week, as both presidential camps stopped airing negative ads out of respect for the Aurora victims.  Of course, by Monday, it was back to business..

Outside of politics, there was plenty to talk about.  We didn't know The Muppets worked with Chick-Fil-A, but not anymore. So far, the 'Eat Mor Chikin' cows are still working for them...It's funny how people seemed stunned that a company that is closed on Sunday to allow it's employees to attend church is socially conservative... We'll see you there on August 1st...

And we pause a moment to remember Sally Ride.. Her being the first woman in space was a big deal back in 1983, and we remember it well... It's another case where today's young girls who have all the options open to them have a hero to look up to for breaking that barrier down....

Lastly, congrats to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un on his recent marriage... You can't blame his wife - we wouldn't be advertising the fact we married an ugly tyrant either..  Where do we send the gifts?


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