Thursday, July 05, 2012

The Clock Is Ticking On Mitt Romney's Spokeman's Gig..

        It's not easy being Eric Fehrnstrom, one of Mitt Romney's campaign spokesmen.   You remember Eric - 'Mr. Etch a Sketch'????? Yes, THAT guy.  He made the big mistake of any spokesperson.... he was honest.  The Etch a Sketch comment was completely true - all campaigns adjust to the center to attract middle of the road voters.  It was a bit refreshing, but the problem was he spoke too soon.....

    No, you don't talk about the general election until the primaries are done offically, even if it seems all but over.  Well, he is at it again this week - but for the very opposite reason.  With the Obamacare decision in, the comparisons between it and Romneycare in Massatooshits are inevitable.  Romney is in a tough spot, and his team is having a really hard time answering the really big question - what is the difference between the two?

    Truth is, there isn't much - and he needs to acknowledge it.  If I were on Team Romney, I would go with this tack: Yes, Obama copied Romneycare.  Yes, it is a tax, and so was mine.  However, I know as much about implementing this as much as anyone, and I can see in hindsight that my plan for Healthcare is not implementable nationally... Changes need to be made to cut costs. Simple as that.......

   They're not going that route, and Fehrnstrom's leading the charge.  While everyone now acknowledges that the fines are a Tax, Fehrstrom was all over the place, saying that Romneycare is NOT a tax.  It's pretty easy - anything you have to pay to the governemnt is a TAX... Being honest and ending this part of the argument would be the smart thing to do, but Fehrnstrom seems to be spooked from 'Etch a Sketch'-gate. 

   It's easy... There are times to be completely honest, and there are times when you hold off being completely truthful.  Fehrnstrom's getting it all backwards, but since Romney is saying the same bullshit, it's a gameplan. Whose plan it is, we don't know, but it's a bad idea.  They find it out in September, when the assaults on TV about all this come out every 30 seconds .... 


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