Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jay Carney Doesn't Have Justin Bieber Fever ...

Word Is Sasha and Malia Aren't Speaking to the WH Press Secretary After He Mentions Raising Justin's Taxes Next Year....

     There's a saying - watch what you say, because you NEVER know who you're going to offend... This week's boo-boo (aside from both Presidential candidates) came from White House Press Secretary and James Spader clone Jay Carney, who apparently forgot that you don't mention the president's friends when talking about taxes and millionaires...

    It occurred at Friday's WH Press Corps daily briefing.  Carney was going on his usual line to continue the Bush Tax Cuts, except for those making over $250,000 a year.  As usual, he mentioned various rich people who can afford paying more taxes, including Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, along with a very strange addition - teen heartthrob Justin Bieber.  Carney, who used to work for Joe Biden, seems to have inherited his old boss' penchant for not thinking on his feet..

    You see, Bieber is a not-so-secret crush of Sasha and Malia Obama.  He's even met a few times with the President. Oh, and we forgot another thing..... Bieber is CANADIAN!!!  We're not even positive he pays taxes in America, though we suspect he does.  Still, of all the people in the world to name, Bieber is certainly an odd choice.... Nice going, Skippy.  It did make us wonder one thing: while we're discussing millionaires and billionaires, did anyone else notice we don't hear about Warren Buffett or his secretary anymore???

   However, we will give kudos to Carney on on point.  To finish, he was asked to comment on Mitt Romney's rough first day in London, but he refused.  It's an unwritten rule that you don't comment on candidates while they are overseas, and Carney kept it, but that wasn't good enough for the White House reporter. About four times, she badgered Carney for a comment, stating that it applied to the campaign, and he owed it to them to comment.  Carney stood his ground, leaving the reporter without her red meat.  Think that there aren't reporters covering the White House that don't have their own agendas?  Think again....


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