Sunday, December 02, 2012

Rumors of Our Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated..

We're Back !  Why? Because America NEEDS Us ...

    No, you are not seeing a Ghost, or even one of those Zombies from The Walking Dead.... This is a new post from SC6!  Yeah, it's been a while, but life has been much more of a priority for us lately than politics.  While a Presidential election season may seem to be a odd time to walk away from the game, it's a common practice for us. Why? Because there IS such a thing as political overload, and even though we consider ourselves more informed than most people, we choose not to contribute to it..

   Yes, the last few weeks of an election are torture, even to us.  It drives us crazy to hear opinions on Facebook and Twitter from people who don't follow it except for the last 90 days of a campaign. Sure, they're entitled to their opinions..... we just wish they wouldn't.  We admit it - this is about all we have.  We don't work for campaigns, we don't knock on doors or make phone calls.  Why? Because anxiety problems keep us from being able to get out often.  We quietly sit by, listen intently, then give the best solutions to our country's problems - and we're pretty damned good at it!

   Really though, there were two reasons we took a break: first, we changed jobs and moved. Yes, we are now in Laurinburg, North Carolina full time. We went though a home sale (14 months - Thank God it's over!), a home purchase, and learning a new industry.  Like we said, life took a big priority.  Work is going great, and the past 2 months have been spent doing minor renovations on the new casa. There's more we'd like to do on the house, but the budget is wiped out for now, so there's time to blog now! Lucky You..

   More importantly, our health has been a concern in 2012.  Ever since we got back to Florence, we seemed to have troubles. We thought we had allergies, and other problems have dogged  us all year. It was easy to blog when we weren't working. We basically sat around, blogged when we could, and rested if we felt less than 100%, which occured a lot.  Adding work to the mix made blogging almost impossible. We're starting to feel better, and there is more free time, so we're going to give it a shot...

  Honestly, we thought we might be done if Mitt Romney won the election. Like Moses leading his people to the promised land, we view ourselves as the messenger of what our country needs to do to move forward - and it hasn't. We thought Mitt Romney would have been a very good President. But Barack Obama won , which was no surprise. What stunned us a bit more was the American People voted back a Democratic Senate and a Republican House.. So, we have all the same players that brought us here.  Clearly, voters didn't get the message, so we had an epiphany - America Needs Us.

   Given the circumstances we're in right now, there is little option except for us to get back to guiding you and the country to a better place. Is that a cocky view? Hell yeah, but it's true.  We always take others opinions into consideration, and it helps us come up with strong, bipartisan solutions... Like it or not, SC6 is back, and we're still keeping the SC6 name.  Our 7th anniversary will be here in a few weeks, and we know how important a baby's 7th year is - and this is our baby!  We appreciate your support through the years, and we'll try to keep it going at a high level...



  1. Welcome back.

  2. Well, Well, Well.....Welcome back. You sure have been missed. Checked every day...just hoping. Sorry we didn't know where you were now. We, Buck and I, drove thru Laurinburg twice last Monday. Went up to Pinehurst and back. Would have looked you up if only we had known. Our Christmas Party is 13 Dec. Guess since it's a week night, you can't make it....but would love to see you.

  3. west_rhino9:17 AM

    So DeMint's resignation brings you out, are you hiring campaign staff for the 2014 Senate bid?

  4. Mike - Good to know you are still active! Stay in the game!
