Wednesday, August 27, 2014

My Vision of America......

If You're On a Mission, You Better Have a Vision..... Deluded Or Not!

     As we kickoff Phase II of SC6, we want to inspire and give you an idea of where we are aiming to take this political bus.  So, we're going to attempt to do both at the same time, and hopefully, entertain you as well.  Good Luck.....

     Something we've learned along the way, which we definitely failed to do when we ran for office, was to win both the minds and hearts of our supporters and non-supporters (translation: enemies)......   Anyone can give cold, dry facts - we were among the best at that.  But, we've figured out that there have been much dumber and less informed who have piled up a following behind them. We'll name a few along the way.  So, with all apologies to the great speakers of our day, we give you My Vision of America.

(Crank Up the Patriotic Music!)........

     I have,,,,,,,,,,, a Vision................. of America!  While many dream of a United States that was like when they were young, or of a time and / or place that they've never been to or lived in, I dream differently.   I don't falsely deceive myself or others into a time gone by.  The world changes.  Sometimes good, sometimes bad.  But you cannot change the past...... Every moment is an opportunity to change the direction of your life, your future, and the future of your country.  The problem today is that both parties have been hijacked by special interests, by the 10-15% that find no center ground. That make their living on ideas and positions that line their own pockets and more importantly, give no compromise to help America progress an inch in the right direction. It's time the 70-80% of the rest of us - the disenchanted people that think DC doesn't work for them - to push back a little, and push open a hole to find solutions.  I have........... a Vision....... of America!   (drum rolls and cymbal hits, please).........

     I see an America where politicians value voters by their ideas, and not their wallets.  Where their districts don't look like The Michelin Man doing a handspring while holding a violin.  Where using the terms RINO and DINO merit punishment like expulsion or castration, your choice.   Where Republicans and Democrats can willfully admit that their Congressman or Senator is an idiot.  Where party platforms are not separated like the Berlin Wall.   Where a party member can utter these dreaded words about a member of the other party......... "He/She has a point".

     I see an America where politicians aren't afraid to admit there are pending issues that they need to courageously address.  That they each take their share of blame for our present challenges.  That Democrats see that Social Security and Medicare/Medicare will soon cause our budget deficits to explode to levels as bad or worse than they were in the last 5 years.  That Republicans quit protecting the super rich and corporations with tax exemptions that the middle class don't get. That both parties realize the middle class are being squeezed by them both. 

    I see an America where people are taxed equitably.  Where buying Range Rovers and having a stable of babies don't get you bigger refunds.  Where the FairTax blowhards at last admit that it's a scam, devised by the Megarich and blindly followed by people getting half the necessary information.... Aw hell.  An America where the FairTax doesn't even get airtime.......

   I see an America where the social divisions fall away.  Where blacks and whites understand and respect each other. Where they talk with, and not at each other., Where people realize that all faiths - including Muslims - are probably praying to the same God.   That they stop being bigoted and violent towards each other - and worse, that they use verses and quotes from the Bible and Koran to justify prejudice.  That they respect people who differ from them, and that know that in politics, most of us don't like to legislate morals, but let Mom & Dad do it...

    As much as I see in this Vision of America, the true excitement - and challenge - is that so much of this is incomplete. Like I said, the future is unwritten.  Therefore, it is up to each of us to help write that future and fill in the blanks.  The most important part each of need to realize is that we don't all have the answers, and that NONE of us have the power do enact our will on our own.  It takes a team, and it takes - SAY IT!   COMPROMISE.  This is my Vision of America.  Now go out there, and let's do something to change our house, our street, our town, our state, our country and our world! 

(Marching Band erupts into song, and I kiss a baby)..


  1. Welcome Back.

  2. Welcome Back, I'm looking forward to your posts
