Wednesday, September 03, 2014

I'm Calling my Ex-Wife, and Thanking Her As Soon As I Finish This Post....

The Mark and Jenny Sanford Show Gets Ugly in Public Again.....

     Honestly, I hate posting on this stuff.   I liked the Sanford's a lot.  When I was running for office, Jenny Sanford was one of my bigger fans amongst the SCGOP Elite.  Mark Sanford had a lot of good ideas when he was Governor, although his inability to work with his detractors killed any success he could have had....  But, this is SC6 - and when something in SC happens, we try to cover something about it - unwillingly or not.

     The Sanford's and I do have one thing in common - we've both gone through a divorce.  The difference is mine was a zero sum divorce, meaning there were little to no assets and kids to fight over.  The irony was I was 32, and my wife was 26, but we handled our divorce with the maturity that neither of us had during  it.  In fact, I took her to lunch after the hearing, which left Judge Patsy shaking her head in disbelief......  And in the 13 years since, it has continued. No, I rarely see her, but we have mutual friends, so we hear about each other.  I've always joked that we had the most amicable divorce in history. You'd think that a couple that has more cash that 99% of the rest of us would move on, and live out their lives in happiness could figure it out as well, but........

     Reading an article in The Hill, it appears that the Battling Sanfords of Sullivan's Island are still counting points.  According to the article, Jenny filed a complaint in court that asks for Mark to have limited visits with their youngest son, who is now 16 years old. In addition, she seeks to "prevent both parents from exposing the teenager to any “overnight” guests of the opposite sex, not related to the parents, “who could reasonably be construed as a paramour," and from bad-mouthing the other parent or the family in the teen’s presence, the TV station reported.
Jenny Sanford’s complaint also asks for a civil restraining order barring her ex-husband from entering or trying to enter her home "without explicit prior written approval.”

    Reading between the lines, Mrs. Sanford thinks Mr. Sanford's fiancée  is a slut, who is downing her in front of the son.  Poor taste, yes. But, is this really something to drag into court?  We have no idea if this is what Jenny was told by the son, or if she is getting that impression, and she's acting upon it.  Either way, this will get ugly - and public - fast.  The son is 16, so he undoubtedly will be dragged into court to testify. If he is getting sick of seeing his Dad with his Argentinian girlfriend, he needs to spout up, and explain that Dad's pissing him off....... He's old enough to give an opinion on this. 

   No matter what the reason, the Sanfords need to grow up a bit. Mark needs to remember that it's NOT his house anymore.  If you're coming, you gotta call first.  And Jenny has to find a way to sit Mark down and have a mature discussion on things, without involving her attorney.  You regular people do.  I'll end it here - I have a phone call to make.....



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