Thursday, January 19, 2006

Deep Thoughts......By Mike Reino

I've been working a lot this week - for once. So I'll just give some vacuous ramblings from items this week. It makes me wonder how they pay Larry King so much for junk like this.
Showtime ( HBO jr.) will be making a film about the Orangeburg Massacre of 1968. Kudos, because it is overdue, and I wonder what took the state so long to apologize for the incident. I'm also glad that Showtime is making the movie, because I was worried that Jim Clyburn would use Federal funds to allocate a film......
So go go the winds of fortune in politics.... Rod Shealy Jr. got Blind Melon and Cravin Melon mixed up , and I lost some major help like that! I do know "Sweet Tea", but that's about it. Guess I shouldn't tell him I still support Sanford also.........
Do the Democrats need any more proof that we are winning in Iraq? This week alone , 1. We killed a number of top Al-Qaeda operatives, including the top explosives and poisons man. 2. Iraqi citizens are now fighting local Al-Qaeda cells ON THEIR OWN.. 3. Osama Bin Laden has resurfaced after 13 months, and now wants a truce in Iraq and Afghanistan. We may yet pull out of Iraq by year's end, but more likely due to winning than from "Redeploying". If you see a soldier , tell him/her "Thanks".
My buddy Gary McLeod may finally be at the end of his political rope. Word is he offered to pay his local county GOP dues if they would put up his Congressional entry fee. Hmmmm, you give us $30, and we give you $3300 - uh, no thanks!
I had date #2 with my new friend last night. T-Bonz in Mt. P this time . If a lady still looks good with no makeup, keep her! This relationship may take longer than it took to build the Ravenel Bridge, but so far, so good. As long as it doesn't cost as much!!

Reading Barbeque and Politics today, I found Pat Conroy's metaphor-laden article to be very vague and a bit strange, but then again, I'm not a very flowery writer..... I'll soon be posting an article about a triangle shaped cotton ball named Bitsy, who is upset with his owner named Marshal because Marshal likes to play in the barn with his pig, Arnold ..........
I finally made it to the Berkeley County GOP meeting Tuesday. I tell you, they ask a lot of questions!! Apparently, they didn't get the memo that says, " Just tell Reino 'Good Luck'."...........Coming Soon: Clyburn is an Arrogant **ick, and The Hotties of the Hill..........

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