Friday, January 20, 2006

Hood Temple Declines to Run for District 63....

I spoke to Jim McGee today, and I asked him about the race to replace him in the Legislature. Jim is the only state rep. who gave me his cell number, and actually answers when I call - unbelieveable!! I will miss him.
The news according to Jim is that Hood Temple will not for McGee's seat. That leaves it right now as a two man race between Bubby Floyd and Chris Crawford. I assume it will stay that way from here on. From what I read on Pee Dee Stuff, Crawford is backed by Steve Imbeau, and Floyd is backed by his father, Eddie Floyd. If you want to read about all things Pee Dee (including the best gizzards) , check it out there - my blog is gizzard free!
The one part that I find disappointing is that Floyd and Imbeau are very staunch Republicans, but both inexplicably donate to Clyburn's campaign. They should know it's a waste of money, because Clyburn gives all his private money straight to the DNCC, so they can fight all the other GOP candidates they donate to. I'm not a doctor, but I'm not stupid either.


  1. I'll get that right from now on. Pee Dee Stuff is more than gizzards..... Most of the issues I care about he/she does also.

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I have tried to find information on these two, but I have been unsuccessful in finding a web page or anything that would help me to know their stands. I too will greatly miss Jim McGee. My family had to talk to him once about a problem that we had, and he was very "down to earth", and immediately made calls to help us.

  3. Anonymous6:03 PM

    I think Bubby is a great guy and he should have won!!

  4. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Bubby is great!

  5. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I find it to be a little disconcerting that Bubby is sooooo interested in public policy when his dog is allowed to run through his neighborhood (within city limits of course) void of any rabies tag, city tag, leash, supervison, etc. . . . It has become the talk of the neighborhood and quite a nuisance to the dog walkers, cars and bikers in the neighborhood. I wish Bubby would have taken the initiative to protect his precious pet when he had to pick his dog up at the "pound" recently. Unfortunately, the same day she arrived home from doggy jail, the cute little pooch was back to running the roads!
